She For Keeps

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Savanna's POV

It was going on four in the morning, and my peaceful sleep was interrupted by an oh so familiar ring tone

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It was going on four in the morning, and my peaceful sleep was interrupted by an oh so familiar ring tone.

Since I already knew what it was, I just answered it and laid it on my ear.

"Doc! We need you, one of the dogs been hit!" One of the guys frantically yelled through the phone.

"Lay him on a flat surface, and keep applying pressure to the wound. Make sure you have everything set up for me. I'll be there in a few minutes." I said, before hanging up.

Quickly going to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, before slipping my house shoes on.

Grabbing my car keys, I locked up my house, before heading to the pound.

Grabbing my car keys, I locked up my house, before heading to the pound

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This is the fourth time in two weeks I've been called. They better get their shit together, cause I can't be walking around with bags under my eyes.

Pulling up to the gate, I typed in my code, and drove through.

Pulling up to the gate, I typed in my code, and drove through

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Grabbing my bag out the trunk, I made my way inside.

"Fuck! It burns!" Geno yelled, as the guys kept putting pressure on his gun shot wound.

"Alright, let me take a look." I said, cutting through all the men that surrounded him.

Lifting the towel they had pressed against his side, I noticed he had two bullet holes, and both bullets were still in there.

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