That's My Mama

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Deshon's POV

"Ma! Can you please, bring me something to eat? My stomach touching my back, and I might pass out" I whispered, on the phone to my mama

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"Ma! Can you please, bring me something to eat? My stomach touching my back, and I might pass out" I whispered, on the phone to my mama.

I'm in the back of the library, talking on the phone, literally begging my mama to bring me some food, but she being petty.

I would go get some myself, but my school doesn't let us leave campus for lunch. I'm not about get in trouble for leaving, cause if I do, they gonna call home, and imma get in trouble. It don't matter if I'm in 12th grade, my mama would still whoop my ass.

"How the hell, do you forget food, Shon? You eat up every damn thing in the house, so it should be the first thing on ya mind. But, I guess I'll be nice to you, today. What you want, to eat?" She said. I had to bite my fist, to keep from yelling in excitement.

"Ooh thank you ma. Can I get a 12 piece from Chic fil a, and some Mac n cheese?" I asked.

Man I'm geeked as fuck.

"Yeah, greedy ass. You want fries, lemonade, and that poly sauce too?"

Mama already know wassup. That's why she my favorite.

"Yeah. Thank you, ma."

"You're welcome. I'll be there in about 45 minutes."

After saying our goodbyes and hanging up, I packed up my stuff getting ready to go to my next class. That's when the first lunch shift starts, and I have the second one.


After nearly falling asleep in physics, it was finally my lunch shift. I had already texted my mama, and she would be here a few minutes after the lunch bell rings, so I go in the cafeteria and wait at the table, where all my friends are.

"Bruh, where yo food at?" Donte asked, with a mouth full of food.

"My mama bringing it to me." As soon as I said that, I regretted it.

"Ooh! My baby coming up here. Man, no disrespect, but yo mama fine as hell." He said, while everybody around the table agreed.

Every time they see my mama, they be cutting the fuck up. Like I know my mama beautiful, but chill out, that's moms. Like that's all they talk about, even during basketball practice. She off limits, plus, my dad would kill any one of these niggas, if they even thought about stepping to her.

"Hell naw! Y'all better chill out on that shit." I said.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was my mama texting me, she was walking in.

"Y'all better act like y'all have some fucking sense." I said, warning them.

"Damn! Who is that?" I heard somebody from another table say.

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