44. Happy Birthday

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It's few hours since I saw Michael

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It's few hours since I saw Michael. Since we screamed at each other. I have to admit that I miss him. I'm sorry for what I've said but I had to tell him those words that hurt him. I had to let him know that I wouldn't expose my past to anyone, not even him.

I hate this day already. Every time it's this day I feel bad, lonely, and depressed. Yeah, today is my birthday. Duh. I'm 17 now. One more year passed without her. I wonder if she can see me. If she can see me struggling. If she can see how her daughter is growing. Without her. Alone.

I didn't tell anyone that it was my birthday last year. I kept it as a secret. And I intend to repeat that this year, as well. Because I hate it.

When I changed from my pajama into my black clothes I go downstairs. The first sight I see when I'm down is Myles drinking coffee and I shiver forgetting that Christopher isn't here. Well, still.

Sometimes I forget that he won't be here when I get up or that he isn't going to come back home. Sometimes I sit shaking and waiting for him to come back. But then I remember that he can't go back. At least not for some time.

"Hey!", Myles' voice brings me back to reality. A reality without his brother in this house, but in juvenile.

"Hey." I join him in the kitchen and sit as he sips my coffee into a mug. "Thanks", I murmur, wrapping my cold arms around it, trying to warm myself. But darkness says no and I feel a cold wind blowing through my dusty soul.

As I taste caffeine I immediately feel energy boiling in my body and the fatigue is slowly fading.

"How are you today?"

Myles doesn't know what happened with me and Michael. Well, I'm not sure either. He saw me covered with his blood, but he didn't coax me further realizing how tired I was. He is so understanding. He doesn't coax me, he doesn't push my limits, but he is always for me, no matter how much I push him and what I tell him. He leaves me when I tell him to go, but I know that he is so close to me, that he is watching me always. I know that one day if I decide to ask for help he will be the one I'm going to ask.

One question pops in my head and I'm scared to answer it but my demons keep whispering it into my ear.

"Is it possible that you like this boy in front of you?"

No. I shake my head.

"You are not good?", Myles asks worriedly.

"No, I am. Just a little bit tired."

It is just a gift that I didn't have a nightmare. Thank you world of nightmares. Great gift for my birthday for which I'm so grateful. Oh, I didn't mean to be sarcastic even though I sounded like that. I'm honestly so grateful. If I had nightmare caffeine couldn't erase my fatigue that easily. Not even a magic stick could do that.

"Do you want to make you something to eat?", he suggests as he gets up.

I shake my head once again. "Stella..." He sits again, worry appears on his face joining a few little ginger dots. "Look I saw that lately, you have been skipping meals. That is not good. I will make you something now. And you have to eat I do not want to hear you complaining", he says and lifts his hand in the air as I open my mouth to say no.

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