13. Curiosity

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I open the door and step into the house

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I open the door and step into the house.

"Mom?", I shout. "Mom, I came back." I enter the kitchen and see dishes and cake just like I left it. Maybe she was tired and decided to sleep a little.

"Mom?" I now enter her bedroom, but she isn't here. Maybe she's in the bathroom.

I knock on the door. "Mom I came back." No answer. "Okay, I'll wait." Still no answer.

Wait, what if she fell? I open the door fast, but... She wasn't on the floor. She didn't fall. She is in the bath and... Blood is on her... Slipping down her wrists... I see a razor on the floor.

"Mom!", I screamed. "Mom!" I jerk her. "Wake up! Wake up! Please, wake up!"

Now her blood was all over my hands. I don't care. I want her to wake up. Mom's hair is wet, so does her clothes. Like she had a shower. Then I remember to call 911. I couldn't find my phone. When I find it, I couldn't tap numbers because of the blood. Blood... Blood...Blood is everywhere. When I look at my mom, she isn't there. There's only blood in the bath and on my hands. Just blood, not her.


"Wake up! Wake up!" I open my eyes and see that I'm in a room I don't recognize. I lift my upper body and look at my hands to see that they're not covered in crimson liquid. Okay, so it was all a dream. A nightmare, actually.

I'm breathing heavily, still not realizing where I'm.

"It was a dream. You're okay." Someone embrace me. But I let him.

I look up to see that it's this boy. Boy with whom... I stand up quickly.

"What are you doing in here?", I shout, still confused.

"We fell asleep after...", he trails off. Oh, okay.

"Okay, I need to leave." I start collecting my clothes which are thrown on the floor. The flashbacks from last night appear in my head.

"Wait. Don't go." He takes my hand. "Stay." I frown.


"You're upset, clearly. You're shaking." I let go of his arm.

"I'm not. Sorry, but I'm leaving. Sorry for waking you up", I say while quickly dressing up. I still can feel his warm, strong hands on my tiny body.

"No need for an apology." He stands, too, and again I'm impressed by his abs. Is he going to the gym? Gosh... Also, I can see all his tattoos very clear now. Last night in the dark I couldn't see. Also, I was dizzy from his hot body which was next to mine. His whole torso is covered with ink. But I can't stay and see all of them, as much as I'd love to. Just as I turn to go, he leans closer to my ear, whispering:

"Your name, sweetheart?"

"You don't need it." I open the door and my eyes meet Maya's. Yeah, I just needed her right now. Her lips open in surprise.

"What the fuck?"

"Perfect, I need a ride." I rush toward her. She's still confused, now lookin' at his torso. Why? It's not like she isn't sleeping with other guys. So can I.

"I can give you one." I turn to him.

"You don't have to. We're going together, anyway." I pull Maya's arm, but she's still looking, like her head can't turn around, but her body's movin'.

"What the hell, Maya? Let's go!" I turn and see his smirk before he shuts the door.

"Did you fuck him?" She stops walking.

"Obviously. What you jealous again?" I stopped, too, frowning, but amused.

"No. No, no, no. I'm not." No, not at all. I grin.

"Where are the others?", I ask, when we step into the yard.

"Myles's here. Others left." I see Myles leaning on the car.


"With a boy."

"Of course", I mumble to myself. The two of them are different from me. They would found prey and then caught him. I wasn't lookin' for a prey. I don't look for prey. Guys were flirting with me, but I would cut them off. Maya and Chloe would always tell me to stop doing that. To flirt. I don't like that. I think I'll pass.

But last night was the first time I liked the boy I slept with. That I was attracted to him. A lot. I want to know more about him. And just because of that damn curiosity I have to drop it. Now.

Myles opens the door for us and we jump in. I was silent 'till we drop Maya. She kept rambling, but I don't think that either of us was listening to her.

"Are you okay?", he asks.

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Sure? You seem distracted." He tries to keep his eyes on the road and me.

"Just tired. Where's your brother?" I change the topic.

"Um, probably with some girl", he says like it's normal. But, the fact is that it's normal. He's a womanizer or something.

"Mhm." Probably.

"I thought you two were together."

"No, I couldn't find him last night." Not that I wanted. I found just what I was looking for. But, I didn't have to look. He was just at the corner. And I don't know why I can't stop thinking about him. About his amazing body. Stop it, Stella. I mentally slap myself. Yeah, he's hot, but nothing special. Was it nothing special? My twisted, wicked mind.

"No, I mean together together", Myles' voice brings me back to reality.

"Um, no we agreed to no relationship."

"That's what he does. I thought that you were going to leave him as soon as he told you that."

"No, that deal works for me." It does, really. "No bonding. No emotions." I didn't realize I said that loud until I see his surprised face in the rearview mirror.

"I thought that you were different."

"You thought a lot of things." I raised my voice now. "But, I'm not. Thanks for the ride", I say, sarcasm clear in my voice. I slam the door.

NOTE: Opiniones of Myles?

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