11. Girl With Fear In Her Eyes

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"Everything set, Tyler", I told the owner of the house, my friend from tennis who saved my ass when father dumped me

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"Everything set, Tyler", I told the owner of the house, my friend from tennis who saved my ass when father dumped me. I was so grateful and I have been here for three months. Whole summer break and one week of school. The first week of school.

It wasn't bad. But the girls were running to me and trying to flirt with me. I dumped all of them. I don't need that. I don't need friends, even though Tyler showed me his friends. He's not the bad boy or drug dealer. Yeah, he smokes weed sometimes, but he owns the house and he opened a fraternity. Why? Because his father has a lot of money and Tyler wanted to live alone. So instead of an apartment, he bought this house and then started livin' with some roommates, but then it turns to the fraternity. He liked the idea and here we are. He also didn't want to go to private school, but why he has chosen this part of Madison, I have no freaking idea. I wouldn't if I were buying a house. I don't like this part of town. But who am I to judge.

I'm done with setting red cups and drinks.

"Alright bro, great!" He slams me on the back. I go out to restore my supplies.

"Good luck tonight, bro!" A boy with ginger hair and lots of freckles says. He's in the gang, but I don't know his name because every time is someone else who's giving me supplies.

"You too!" I go back to the room.

I got used to this. Three months with parties and who wouldn't. Even though school started five days ago, everyone wants to come. So, this party is like celebrating back to school. Ironic. I'm celebrating my new beginning. Yay!

When I finished smoking weed I go out and locked the door. Just to be sure that no one can puke in my room or make out. Gross.

A few guys and girls started comin'. Okay, let's start.

The music is so loud, but I don't mind. Half of the people are passed out or puking already. They would never get used to alcohol.

I, on the other hand, am not drunk. I just had one small vodka cup. I'm high so I don't need anything else. I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, buddy, they told me that you're selling", a black-haired guy says.

"Yeah, I'm."

"You have Moli?" I nodded and give him, just as he gave me money.

"Thanks, bro."

"Anytime." I already left. I go out and inhale fresh air. Inside is so hot. Then I felt someone's eyes on me. I turned to see a girl with black hair and pink locks. She is looking at my tattoo with a red rose. First and only one with color.

"What you're lookin' at?", I snapped.

"That stupid tattoo. It's girly." She laughs. Girly? I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't care what some Bratz girl thinks." Bratz, that first popped into my mind. And her pink hair reminded me of those dolls with big heads, slim bodies, and colorful wigs.

"Bratz, huh?" She laughs again. "I like that." She was high. There's no doubt that she's high. She bites her bottom lip and I notice how close she came, so I sucked in my breath. Am I going to have sex tonight, again? I don't mind if I do, might help with forgetting all the pain that I have been feeling since the day my mom died.

"I like that one, though." She taps my arm and slides it till the end of the quote. That quote. It was written so people can read. I could only see it upside down.

I lift my gaze toward her and she meets my eyes. They had a beautiful color. Something between green and brown and they were shining because of the night lights. And I could see something behind them. Pain, maybe. But I dropped it. It wasn't pain. Just my highness.

I stepped closer and she inhaled. I smirked and lead her to my room. Hand in hand. I swear I felt her hand shake, but I dropped it again.

As soon as I unlocked my door and slapped it, she was pressed against it.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Not tonight, boy. You don't need it." Oh, challenging. I like that.

All of the girls I have had sex with so far were thrilled to be with me, privileged to be in my room, except that first one who was just some random chick who probably wasn't from this part of Madison, but this one... She acts tough, and is sexy I have to admit, which makes me have some interest in her. I'm here for some challenge, it sucks to have those chicks blinking at me like I'm God. I'm no God. Devil I am.

But something feels strange about her. She was afraid, I could see that, even though she tried to cover it. I know. I'm an expert in covering.

She kissed me and I lifted her. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I turned around and sat on the bed, with her in my lap. When I started kissing her neck, I hear her saying:

"Wait...stop..." I look at her and see fear. Her eyes are wide open and in the dark, their color couldn't be seen. I usually don't look girls I make out in the eyes, not like this...

"I... I...", she mutters. If she was someone else I would kick her, just like my father kicked me. But I was curious. She had my full attention from the moment she complimented my tattoo. If that even was a compliment, but I'll take it as if it was.

"Did I do something?" Even if I did I wouldn't care. But... Damn, I want to know her name.

"No." She leans to kiss me, but I pushed her slightly.

"You're trying to piss your boyfriend." They usually do that. Use me to make their rich boyfriends jealous or to brag. And that workes actually.

"I don't have a boyfriend." She kisses my neck and I feel how soft is her hair under my fingers. I never felt that. Never cared.

I turn her and push her to bed. I still could see her fear and I promised myself not to let her go after we're finished. To dig deeper and discover where that fear comes from.

NOTE: I hope you like it. The picture is how I imagine a frat house. Is it enough action? Or you want less or more? Let me know in the comments.

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