14. Mysterious Girl

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I wake up, but I don't open my eyes

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I wake up, but I don't open my eyes. I feel light on my bare skin and I enjoy it. It's different than being in the dark. Feeling darkness in my body. Light tries to fight against it, but it's impossible. The darkness inside me always wins, no matter the light outside. Always.

I hear some sound. I feel that body next to mine is shaking. A body? I quickly open my eyes. Turning around, I see a girl with dark, pink hair beside me. She's shaking.

"No! No!", she yells. I jerk her, but she doesn't open her eyes. Then I remember the fear in her eyes last night. This nightmare is probably her fear.

"Wake up! Wake up!" I jerk her once again.

She finally opens her eyes and I can see the fear in them once again. She lifts her upper body and looks at her hands, which are shaking. She's breathing heavily like she's fighting for air. I swear that I saw a tear in her eye. I hug her, not realizing what I'm doing. I can't remember the last time I hugged someone. Nor someone who hugged me. But it's what people do to soothe others right? And now I want to soothe her. Why? That I don't know.

"It was a dream. You're okay", I try to calm her. She looks at me like I have three heads and stands up quickly. Scared again.

"What are you doing here?" What am I doing in my room? I'll probably say this to her, but I know she's still in her nightmare. And she doesn't know it's my room. Her hands never stop shaking.

"We fell asleep after...", I trail off.

"Okay. I need to leave." She starts collecting her clothes, which are thrown on the floor. Her black clothes. She likes black I can see. Just like me.

"Wait. Don't go", I say, taking her hand. "Stay."

"What?" I realize how pathetic that must have sounded, so I try to rephrase it.

"You're upset. Clearly. You're shaking." I can feel it under my fingers. She lets me go.

"I'm not." She puts a mask on her face. Like I do every morning. "Sorry, but I'm leavin'. Sorry for waking you up."

"No need for an apology." I stand up and wrap a sheet around my hips.

I see her staring at me, but I don't say anything, only let my lips curl into a smirk. When she's ready, she puts a hand on a knob, but I stop her.

"Your name, sweetheart?" I need to know her name, so I can ask around about her. But since when Michael Henson is asking for a girl?

"You don't need it." She opens a door, but I don't move. She looks at some girl with brown hair and red locks. It's like they love dying their hair like that. But I see a difference. This girl's hair is long, but the girl who I slept with is soft and shorter.

They look at each other for a little. This chick is familiar to me. She's here all the time. At parties, I mean. She's always with some blondie.

"Perfect, I need a ride!", a mysterious girl says.

"I can give you one", I say behind her, waiting for her answer. She's probably going to say no.

She doesn't know how I am. I know that she doesn't. If I offered a ride to a girl, she would accept it immediately. But not this girl. She doesn't know who I am. She doesn't see me as a rich kid with a famous father and wants me just because of popularity. And I like that. I'd like it if people could see me as I really am, not for my famous last name which belongs to my beloved father.

"You don't have to. We're going together, anyway." She pulls her friend and they disappear. But not before she turns around and sees me smirking.

I go back to bed. Then I see that she forgot something. I lift the item and she that it's her bracelet. I run it between my fingers. It's cute. If that's even a word. It's pink and matches her hair.

I remember when I saw her staring at me, I didn't want to fuck her. But after I had seen fear in her green orbs I was curious. When she told me to stop I stopped. I saw that as a chance to know her, but she pushed her limits, her fear, and slept with me. I'm still curious. After we did it, she fell asleep very quickly. I was watching her. A little moonlight was shining on her skin. She looked peaceful. I didn't have any idea that she would have that nightmare. And I'm not angry, of course not. I'm sad that she almost cried and she was embarrassed. She shouldn't be. I saw how embarrassed she was. She was 'cuz that happened here, with me. That I could see and discover her fear. Her. Real her.

Because we're scared that people will hurt us once they know our weaknesses. And she quickly put a mask on her face, to prevent herself from them, from evil people. It was too obvious. Obvious to me who does the same thing. But, I'm not evil. I may act like I'm an asshole, but I'm not evil. I have feelings, too, unfortunately. And I want to hide them. But I can't. I'm human after all. And one of her feelings is fear. She's human, too, but I can see that she's fighting with it, just like I'm fighting with my demons.

I realize that I want to know her. And I'm the type of boy who doesn't care for girls. Don't care who they are. I quickly forget about them. When they see me again, they say they want to do it again, but honestly, I forgot we even did it the first time. They care about having sex with me, I know it. I know girls. I read them very easily. They dream of me and then tell each other how good I was, or how I'm God. I'm just human, dealing with demons. And they don't see me that way. They want to brag about being with me. Talking to me. Sleeping with me. But not this one. Not this mysterious girl.

She didn't know about me, who I was and where I came from. She won't brag. But I guess her friend is going to tell her. What will she think of me then? Will she want to repeat it? Will I ever see her again? I want to see her again. Just to solve that mystery of her. I have to find out who are her demons. Maybe we have some mutual ones. Maybe I know some of them. They are all friends with each other, anyway. To find out her fear. Then I'll let her go.

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