40. Old me

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His eyes sparkle and before I can stop myself I throw my hands on his neck, wrapping them

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His eyes sparkle and before I can stop myself I throw my hands on his neck, wrapping them. I hug him strongly, nearly choking him, but he chuckles and separates from me smiling.

"How that you're here? How you know where I live?", I ask, confused, but happy. Was I happy? Or was it just an illusion?

"Myles sent me a location. He said that you're alone and could use some company. So I stepped by. Can I come in?"

"Of course!" I open the door wider and he walks himself in. "Alexia... she's somewhere", I mumble.

"Alexia?" He turns to me, frowning.

"Scott's wife", I murmur. I hate world foster, so I don't bring it up.

"Oh." He's glancing over the house, absorbing every detail, like it's nice. It isn't. It is just really cold and uncomfortable. I don't even feel safe here, considering everything that happened to me here. Looks like no house can feel like home to me, except my mom's. Seems like I will never find a place where I feel safe and comfortable.

"Big house", he states.

"Yeah. Different from the frat one", I manage to say instead of my real thoughts, wanting to avoid conversation about that.

He approaches me and cups my face with his big hands, covering my cheeks with his enormous palms. I have to stretch my neck to have a proper look at his green eyes.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

"It's okay, Michael. It's okay", I sigh, remembering him.

"How much he got?" Should I tell him? He'll go insane. Just like me.

"Um.... he got.... um". I try not to look into his eyes, which can pierce through my soul, but even without looking, I can feel his face changing into an angry one.

"Stella... Tell me", he demands, hissing.

"Three months", I spill it out. As soon as those two words escaped my mouth I regret saying them.

"Three months?!", his voice's a growl. "Three fucking months?", he chuckles, but I know that's nervousness. "Are they fucking insane?" He runs his brown hair with his fingers, nearly pulling it out.

"I know", I whisper. I remember his words. I'll be back soon, bitch. I shiver. I know that those three months will be over before I blink.

"You should've reported him", he says, taking me back to reality. I look up at him, frowning.

"What?" I told him that I couldn't. No, I explained to him why I couldn't do it. Myles understood. Clearly, Michael hasn't.

"You heard me. You should have reported him for what he did to you."

I take a step closer to him. "I told you why I couldn't do it. And you perfectly know that no one would believe me", I raise my voice. I'm furious.

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now