25. Promise

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"Show me your demons and I might show you mine" - Camila Cabello, song Living Proof

"Show me your demons and I might show you mine" - Camila Cabello, song Living Proof

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"Because I'll tell you."

I frown. What? He is going to actually tell me? That was easy.

"Yeah?", I ask, my voice filled with excitement, my eyes wide eager to hear his secret.

"Yeah. But in one condition."

"And that is?" Oh, I can already smell something.

"You have to share one secret with me." Guess, maybe it's not that easy. I frown again.

"No way."

"Then, nothing." He shrugs and sits on the bed.

He takes off his black shirt and I literally gasp at his abs. Gosh, stop looking and close your mouth, I scold myself.

"What, you still here? Go, I want to sleep", he groans and lays on the back closing his green eyes.

Do I want to know his secret? Yes. But what am I going to tell him in return? My mom died? My mom killed herself? I was almost raped? I'm broken? The choice is big. No one knows anything. Why would I risk it for some arrogant boy? I won't. No. Then if I tell him, he'll hurt me. But I can hurt him, too. We would share a secret. If he can tell me, why can't I tell him too?

"Still here?", he groans again. I sit on the bed. Come on, you want to know something about this boy. You won't find out alone. My mind keeps nagging at me.
He opens his eyes.

"You won't tell anyone?", I ask, still hesitating. Still scared. He lifts his upper body, moving closer to me and I try so hard not to suck a breath.

"No, sweetheart." He looks at my eyes and I can see he's honest.


I can see the fear in her eyes

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I can see the fear in her eyes. Whatever her secret is, must be bad and painful. Otherwise, she wouldn't act like this.

"Promise." I try to look through her and see her soul. But it's hard. She's all surrounded by walls, like thorns. She's as beautiful as a rose, but if I want to hold her she is going to prick me her with thorns.

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now