33. Devil and Angel

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When I come back home I'm immediately pushed to the ground

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When I come back home I'm immediately pushed to the ground.

"You bitch!" I didn't have a chance to see who pushed me, but I recognized the voice. Because every time he talks I get goosebumps. He pulls my hair and I almost cry. "You thought that he'd win and you'll live happily ever after?" What is he talking about?

"W-what?", I stutter, not meeting his dead eyes.

"You and Michael!" He pulls my hair stronger and I frown from the pain, careful not to shrill.

"I don't know what are you talking about!", I cry.

"You don't?", he hisses, pulling my hair even stronger.

"N-no."  He gets off my hair. Finally.

"Well, Michael arranged a fight with me. To win you." He points at me. He did? He scoffs, shaking his head. "He thinks he'll win. Not a chance."

"W-when is the fight?", I manage to ask.

"In two days. Why are you acting like you don't know?" His voice is no longer a growl.

"Because I don't."

I knew he had a plan. But not this kind of plan. He will hurt himself. They say that Christopher is good. He'll crash Michael. I remember Michael beating Christopher back then in the school when he wanted to slap me and unfortunately that fight just delayed it. It happened later. But, Christopher was drunk, really drink then. I don't know what to believe. I'm scared. Scared for Michael, not for this bastard.

And then Christopher will possess me. And Michael will be nothing but the distant memory.

Why he did that? He didn't think at all. They're gonna fight for me. Remind me, in which century are we livin'?

"Don't do that", I say.

"Do what?", he bewilders.

"Don't fight with him", I beg. I beg this devil. This monster.

"Why?", he laughs. "Are you afraid I'll hurt him?", he can't stop laughing. I am. "Because I will. I'll smack his ass and he won't ever approach you. You'll be mine. Forever."

No, God, please, no. I don't want to live like this forever. I'm a fucking toy. No, you're a victim, my mind says.

"I'm not yours!", I snap and immediately regret it. The look in his eyes is pure rage.

"I did all the errands", Myles says, stepping into the house and approaching us. He has no idea that he has just saved me. Sometimes I really want to believe that he is my angel guardian. "What is going on?"

Christopher turns to him, anger all over his gross face. You know, I may even found it attractive with all those freckles, but now I find it repulsive and gross. Maybe I felt something toward him, but now it's pure hate and despise.

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