10. Dumped

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Even though Myles and Christopher were older than me we were still hanging out together at the school

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Even though Myles and Christopher were older than me we were still hanging out together at the school. Even though I didn't want to make friends, I made a little excuse for theirs. They had a small group of friends. Some of them were in the gang and there were two girls who looked like me. Then I saw why Myles was bored with that type of look.

Girls and I got along. Maya and Chloe showed me how to act in public and be tough. But I soon realize that hanging out with them was enough. 'Cuz everyone was afraid of us. When they were being arrogant they looked sexy and I was jealous because I looked like a scared kitten who would growl time after time.

It took me a year to learn. But I did.

Maya has long brown hair and red extensions. I hate red. Every time I would look at her I would remember my mom's blood. It took me a long time not to remember that when I would look at her. I thought she would change it. But she didn't. And those extensions gave me an idea. I wanted to have pink. A little reminder of that Stella I killed. She liked pink. But I didn't use the extensions. Instead, I dye some locks of my hair.

Chloe was the opposite of both of us. When you look at her you wouldn't know that she was one of us. She has beautiful, strong, and blonde hair that comes above her shoulders, and blue eyes. She looks like a good girl. But she is not.

So, we were hanging out in the schoolyard, during our lunch break, even though we weren't eating. Some of the guys were smoking cigarettes because of course pot is illegal.

I was sittin' on Christopher's lap and he was kissing my neck gently, making me shiver.

"Yo, guys, get a room!", Maya shouts. To be honest I saw how she's lookin' at Christopher and me. That look was... jealous.

"You jealous or what?", I ask, lips curling into a grin.

"How can I be jealous? He was already with me." She grinned back. I frowned, but I wasn't jealous. No. We agreed to no relationship. So, I don't care if she was or will be with him. I don't mind. We can't make out at home. Scott would kill the shit out of him. Maybe little kissing outside, but not a chance that we're making out. So, he's free to go where and with whom he wants.

"Was", I emphasize. "Now he's with me." I kissed him on purpose, catchin' him of the guard. We were playing like kittens with a big, bad dog-Christopher.

"Yo, guys!"

"Please, bro!" One of the guys shout. Christopher pushes me slightly.

"Later, hun", he smiles. I swear my eye caught Maya's grin. That bitch.

Frankly, I don't like these girls. They're friends with twins and yeah they may have been helpin' me a year ago with a bad attitude, but I didn't have to thank them. I wasn't that person anymore. I now just use people and abandon them. Just like my mom did with me.

And I know they don't care. They're just like me and they may hate me now, but tomorrow we will be drinking and laughing together. And those people are the only ones I can stand. They don't ask for apologies or good behavior. They are bad. And I'm here for it.

"So, that party tomorrow, you guys are goin'?", Christopher asks.

"Yeah, definitely", Chloe responds, excited.

"Which party?", I ask confused, turning to Christopher.

"In the frat house. They're makin' them every weekend. They say business go well there", he whispers the last part.

"Never been there", I admit.

"Don't worry, babe. We're goin' tomorrow. I'll come to pick you."

"I can come with her. I will be home, anyway. You have...", Myles trails off.

"Okay, bro. I have job to do", he whispers again. I nod.

To be honest I don't like parties. I feel very uncomfortable there on the dance floor when I have no clue how to dance. But, when I drink a glass or two I surely know. I realized, though not to mix weed with alcohol or I'd get lost. So it was either drinking because of dancing, or weed to be calm. The last time I danced, so I'll choose a pot for tomorrow evening.

The last time Christopher left with some chick, so I was alone. Maya and Chloe left with some boys. I couldn't find Myles either, but I couldn't replace him every time his brother disappears. Yeah, they resemble, but no...

I wasn't mad at Christopher, no, we agreed on no relationship so he can dumb me anytime. I wasn't aware of that until the last time. When I agreed I didn't know what that actually means, but I found out, thorough a year. Besides no emotion, he can dumb you anytime and go make out with whom he wants. So do I. That's exactly what I'm going to do tomorrow. I wasn't with many boys (maybe two because Christopher wasn't there for days and I would feel some void that alcohol and weed couldn't feel. I needed to feel needy. That someone wanted me. That I didn't change my style for anything. Not that I changed it for them. I change it for myself, but... I can't explain that. One time I feel like that, the other I feel scared because of him) but I never ditched him for someone. He did, last time. And I wasn't hurt. No.

I was scared to be with him, to let him touch me, but memories of that man vanish every time I got high. Just like my mother's suicide. And that is what I'm going to do tomorrow. Get high and abandon Christopher. To show him who can dump who. Who's bad. Who's worse. Who's the badest.

NOTE: I can't wait for the party. Something good is comin'.
What do you think about Maya and Chloe?
P. S. The longest chapter, hope you don't mind longer ones. Let me know.

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