63. And that is the circle of love

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I'm sitting in the bedroom in the shelter. It's somewhere close to noon and outside it's cold and clouds are playing in the sky, trying to make some shapes. When I was young I loved to play this game with them and enjoyed guessing the shapes they were making. When I had a mom. When I had a dad. Now I don't have anyone. Now I'm sitting in the coldest room I've ever been in, covered with some rough, dusty blankets in the damp shelter room.


The door opens and some Gypsy guy enters in. "Hey, man, have a cigarette?", he asks and I can see black caries on his teeth, or what is left of them, since more than two teeth are missing, but he doesn't seem to mind while smiling widely. 

I just shake my head, pulling the blanket further to my face and squeezing it with my freezing hands. I just want to be alone. 

"Oh, poor shame. Who are you, by the way?"

"No one." That's true. Soon I won't even have a surname. So my name, without it is meaningless. Michael Henson will be gone for good. Once I was popular as a son of a famous lawyer, then I was known as a forbidden bad boy and girls were scared of me, but secretly wanted to have sex with me and when they did they were so proud of themselves, bragging around how they had that opportunity to be touched by a dirty man whom they at that time saw as a God. 

They would be so excited to be picked by me, but soon when I would dump 'em which was every time after I used them, they would be crying, pleading me to be with 'em, that they could be enough for me. Now... Now I bet that no girl would look at me the same way they once did and now they would just make fun of me, probably not believing that I am that guy who once was mysterious Michael from whom people were scared, careful not to tempt him because he had anger issues. But I still have them. Just that I lost my attitude and what I once was. Now... I am no one. 

"I don't understand. Hey, T!" He turns his head to the someone who I can't see, further away from the room. "Who is this guy?" And soon that someone comes in view. She, actually. Probably, his sister, due to all resembles, their faces share. She is Gypsy as well and her teeth are black just as her brother's, though she doesn't have any tooth missing. Grose.

"I dunno, bro. Found a cigarette?", she asks with her extremely deep voice for a girl, leaning on the door frame. 

"No!" With that they leave, leaving the door open. For God's sake! I get up, barefoot, to close it, shivering. It's too fucking cold in here!

I go back to bed, quickly pulling the blanket back on my trembling body and my thoughts wander to Stella. What is she doing? Does she hate me? Can her love turn into hate? I'm so angry and disgust with myself for what I did to her. I swear I didn't want to leave her ever. I swear I didn't want to hurt her. But I couldn't tell her those words back, either. I just couldn't, blame me how much you want, I don't give a fuck. I couldn't stay with her after I failed to die. But if she hadn't said those words, I could have. And I would have stayed with her, obviously not knowing that her little fragile heart was beating for me. Maybe I acted like a prick that night, pushing her away from me, but you can't blame me, since I woke up, realizing that my mom again wasn't next to me. That I failed to do one more thing. To die. So, it was reasonable to push her away, when I was so broken and angry not only with myself but with Tyler as well who is the reason why I was still breathing and not being next to my mom. But, then can I blame him? I would do the same thing, but....

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