29. Despise

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This chapter contains sexual abuse

"What the fuck, Christopher?", I ask, gulping with a knife on my neck

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"What the fuck, Christopher?", I ask, gulping with a knife on my neck.

"Tell me where Stella is!", he hisses.

"She's...", I stop mid-sentence when I see her at the stairs. Her eyes filled with fear and sadness. I thought I told her to stay upstairs. What is she doing here?

"Michael!" She runs toward me, but one man stops her.

"What are you doing, Martin! Let me go!", she yells. How does she know his name? "Let fuckin' go off me", she hisses, but the man's hands are still on her waist. Back at her bad self. "You had to bring the guys here, Christopher?", she asks mad. "You're not strong without them?" She is pulling his leg on purpose. I would do that, too if the knife wasn't under my chin.

But, I know that's all her mask. She's actually scared as fuck. She approaches him, but the other man stops her.

"Let go of me!", she yells once again."What are you gonna put a knife on my chin, too, Justin? Then I have to tell Scott, what you did. "Just as she says that the man pins her at the wall. I swear to God if he does something to her...I try to move, but the knife goes deeper at my neck.

I try to move, but the knife goes deeper at my neck

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Yeah, I saw him fucking making out with Alexia. Yeah, you read it. Alexia. I thought she loved Scott, but then I realized she loved his money, not him. Bitch. Whore.

"Let her go, Justin", Christopher states. Justin looks at him, then at me angrily, hesitates a little, but lets me go.

I try to find Jimmy, a little Chinese boy who is around 15. How did I know Christopher is going to come here? He sent me a message. When I find his little face with typical slant Chinese eyes, he nods at me, slightly afraid that if anyone knew that he told me what was going on, he might lose his job. He and his father are immigrants here, so he has to work and bring money to the house. And how do immigrants find jobs? Exactly. Illegally.

I know almost everyone in the gang, but he is the only one I feel sorry for. He is a timid, kind, smart kid, who knows everything about technology and is great at maths, chemistry, and physics. When he doesn't have to work he helps help me with these extremely hard subjects. We even talk time after time and he is really optimistic and imagines that one day he is going to be some kind of  IT. I really picture him that way, especially with his cute, round glasses which reminds me of John Lennon.

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