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So, I will ask you what did you think of some special moments in the book, how did you feel when you read them or how do you like certain characters and their characteristics and I expect you to answer them truthfully. And of course, I expect even the silent readers to answer. Don't be shy, please this will mean so much to me, you can just type what you think, it's not that hard. So let's begin.

1. What did you think of Stella after the first chapter?

2. What did you think of Michael after the first chapter?

3. How sad were you when you read that Stella's mom killed herself? Do you judge her and what do you think made her do that?

4. How shocked were you when that man almost raped Stella and then his wife killed him? To be honest I was shocked as well 😂.

5. What do you think of Michael's father? Btw I despise him.

6. What did you think of Chloe and Maya at the beginning versus at the end when their true colors were out? Were you surprised when you realized it was Chloe how comforted Stella after you know what? And did you know that it was her or did you think that it was someone else?

7. What were your thoughts about the twins at the beginning?

8. Did you approve of Stella's and Christopher's no relationship?

9. How excited you were when Michael and Stella met for the first time? Did you judge them from going straight into the bed after they had just met?

10. Did it drive you crazy how they tried to resist each other, but couldn't?

11. Were you bored by me repeating the same event from both their pov or did you like it because you could see what each of them was thinking?

12. What do you think of Scott and Alexia?

13. How much you wanted to strangle Christopher when he raped Stella? Do you hate him or do you believe that he may just be another broken boy?

14. Are you team Michael or team Myles and if you changed the team when did that happen, after what scene?

15. What is your favorite Michael and Stella scene?

16. What do you think about Michael's best friend, Tyler?

17. How much were you shocked when Myles jumped into the ring and started beating his twin? Did you think that Myles was dead when Christopher stabbed him and how much did you hate him then?

18. What do you think about Stella kicking Maya's ass? Do you think she deserved it? I think she did😂.

19. Do you judge Chloe for telling Maya the truth about Stella and Christopher's relationship in front of the whole school?

20. Were you scared for Chloe when she called Stella asking her for help, terrified that her dad would kill her?

21. What do you think about Myles trying to get Michael and Stella back together? (the day of her birthday if you forgot)

22. Do you like the friendship between Stella and Chloe? Which friendship do you like more between Tyler and Michael or between the girls?

23. How shocked and scared were you when Michael tried to kill himself? Do you judge him for trying?

24. And most finally what do you think about Michael telling Stella that he doesn't love her? Does it drive you crazy? Do you think she is better of him or vice versa?

25. What do you think will happen to Michael in the shelter? Do you think he is going to change for better or for worse?

26. Do you think sometimes what could happen when Christopher is out of juvenile prison?

27. Was there some moment that made you cry?

28. What moment made you laugh?

29. How much do you want to know what had happened to Stella and if she is alive? Do you have some theories in mind?

Thank you for answering all the questions, I hope you could remember everything since there's a lot of chapters and things to memorize so if you did, I'm happy. Thank you for sticking with me for so long, supporting the book. I love every single one of you so much. Thank you and see you in the next book, in which you will know the exact date on time, don't worry. Hopefully, you won't forget all until then. And hopefully, you won't stop reading Stella's and Michael's story now that one part of it it's finished. I'm aware that the books that have sequels lose some readers, though I don't know the reason. Whatever, thank you for everything!

Bye! ❤❤❤

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now