67. Remedy

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Here is the last chapter, may be the long one, but I hope you'll enjoy it.

I didn't even have a chance to glance at the house where the party was happening, because I was so in a rush to find my escape, my solution, my remedy in a glass of a mystery liquid

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I didn't even have a chance to glance at the house where the party was happening, because I was so in a rush to find my escape, my solution, my remedy in a glass of a mystery liquid. A liquid that makes you forget everything, forget your miserable life, your problems, and helps you to just enjoy the bitterness in your mouth and burn in your stomach that leaves with each gulp you take. I love that. I love how that liquid burns my throat because each time I consume it I'm closer to a world with no memories, but with darkness and silence. When my heart isn't going to feel so broken and in pain because it has no love to repair it.

Your vision gets blurred and foggy, you can't stand, you can only fall on the ground, but you don't care nor one bit, because nothing matters at that moment. You surrender to the dizziness that makes the room spin so hard and fast and you enjoy it like you're on the roller-coaster feeling excitement each time you make a move, closer to fall, but you don't want the roller-coaster to stop moving because you have so much fun. I want to feel that. Not to care. Not to feel, not to feel pain because that is all I have right now, while still being sober. I don't want to be reminded of not returned love and I'm not so patiently waiting for the alcohol to mess with my brain and throw out of it the not so happy memory when Michael told me those not so kind words that I, to be honest, didn't expect at all.

"Hey, Stella, wait for me!", I hear Chloe yelling behind me.

"I wanna grab a drink before it disappears!", I yell as well, because the music is so already loud, embracing us in a tight and choking hug while squeezing its arms around us and traveling to our ears.

"Okay, then we can find the friend who called me." Chloe manages to keep up with me, screaming in my ear.

"Ah, found it! ", I chuckle with excitement. A bunch of red cups is placed at the counter in the huge bright kitchen, unlike the living room where the lights are turned off.

"What is that?" Chloe scrunches her little nose and brings the cup to it. "Vodka?"

"I guess so." I shrug, looking at her. "But not that I care." I take two cups to make sure I rush this process of forgetting. Because with every minute that passes my heart is even more shattered and my pain is getting stronger and stronger and soon enough I won't be able to bear it. So I need a remedy. ASAP. And alcohol is the only thing in which I lay my hopes right now.

While we are trying to find Chloe's friend, avoiding sweaty bodies, I already drank one cup and threw it behind my back not caring where it ends because it's empty. And empty cup doesn't help me at all right now. My throat is burning as well as my stomach, but I'm here for it, not stopping this process of healing.

"Maybe she's upstairs", Chloe says, and I turn to her, taking another big gulp of the disgusting drink. "Hey, slow down, Stella!"

"I was just thirsty. Now, I'm okay", I lie to my best friend that is still looking at me, worried covering her sweet face.

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now