52. The old Stella is back

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Instead of the frat house, he is taking me somewhere else

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Instead of the frat house, he is taking me somewhere else.

"Wait, where are you taking me?", I ask, bewilder as we walk through the part of the town which is unknown to me.

"Wait and you'll see", he chuckles slightly, still swaying so I tighten the grip around his waist, but he is so strong and tall that my tiny frame is nothing compared to his.

"Ugh!", I pout and roll my eyes.

It's dark outside since it's already evening. I haven't realized how long we had been at the hospital, waiting for Chloe to wake up since they gave her some sedatives to calm her down. Of course, the poor girl was upset and terrified, her idiotic father tried to kill her! She didn't actually tell me what exactly happened, but I don't want to coax her to do it. She needs some time to recover and someone by her side to give her support. And I'm here for her. I will never leave her, I promised myself and I don't want to let down either myself, either her.

And then Michael came and we had been fighting and somehow the dark changed the light and suddenly the day became the night.

Michael suddenly stops and I stretch my head to take a look at his eyes. He clears his throat and I frown slightly, confused about what is going on and where did he take me.

"C'mon! We arrived", he says, approaching the building and pulling me by my hand and I follow him while trying to keep up with his swaying walk.

I'm surprised when I see the grey building with an old facade, which looks kinda scary and abandoned. He doesn't say anything and gets inside, turning on the light and we go to the second floor, through the cold hall, and upstairs on the dusty staircase. I follow him confused, trying not to shake from this scary hall that looks like one in those horror movies. I nuzzle in his body when he stops in front of the white doors which look like they don't belong to this place. Their number is 25 and I look at them forgetting that we just entered the most terrifying building I've ever stepped in. I wobble, while he searches for the keys in his pockets. He checks in his leather jacket, then in his jeans. He grunts before he finally found them, taking them with his shaky hands and trying to put them in the lock.

"Let me try it." I take them from his hands which are trembling and the keys immediately click in the lock and I open the door.

As I hand him the keys, I look at him flabbergasted, glancing back at the beautiful flat which opened door revealed.

"Come in." He gestures from me to come in and he follows me, closing the door behind him.

I'm in awe. The apartment is more than the word beautiful can ever describe it. I'm standing with opened mouth and wide eyes as well. The walls are red and when I take a look at them I feel bold and protected, warmed. They are filled with pictures of nature which calms me down. The green color on the pictures is such a contrast to red and they match perfectly even though I would never say that they could go together with that well. When I turn around to the other walls which were staying hidden behind my back, I see the paintings of sunsets in a few different shades and painted in different techniques. I know almost all of them. Hell, I was a painter once. I knew which color goes well with which and which combinations are the best. Looking in these calming landscapes I envy the artists who had an opportunity to do them and enjoy the palette of colors. They have a choice of so many different shades. I don't. I only have one. Crimson one.

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now