53. Victims

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My eyes are closed, but I can feel light disturbing me and nudging me to open them

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My eyes are closed, but I can feel light disturbing me and nudging me to open them. I frown and rub them, blinded by the light.

"Where am I?", I mutter and look around to see nothing but bright light. "Michael?", I call. "Michael?"

"Yes?" I turn to see his beautiful face, but he isn't alone. Soon enough I see another man stepping out of Michael's shadow.

At first, I don't recognize him, but when I do I shiver, scared of his gross face which is grinning.

"What are you doing here? Let him go!", I yell when I see his strong hands gripping Michael's body. "Please", I whimper.

Then he pulls out a thing that makes us both shiver. His grin goes wider when he puts it on Michael's forehead.

"Christopher", I whisper, trying not to sob, but I fail miserably. "Please don't. I'll do anything you ask."

"Choose", he says, his black eyes piercing through my soul, killing it.

"Choose what?"

"Between me and him. Come on, choose."

"I c-can't", I stutter. He cocks the trigger and presses it on Michael's head.

"Okay, okay. I choose..." But before I can say anything he pulls the trigger. "No!", I yell at the same time the blood splashes my white lace dress. The same one I was wearing when I got back at Park Ridge. The same one I was wearing the day she died, leaving me alone to these wolves of men, even though she warned me not to come to close them.

"No, no, Michael!", I scream and run toward him, but all I can see is hate in his brown orbs.

"I hate you."


"Stella?", I hear a familiar voice next to me. Him. He hugs me and I let him just like the first time when he slept together.

I get a flashback from our first morning together and I thought that nightmare won't ruin our second one but guess I was wrong.

"Shh... It's over. You're here."

"D-do you h-hate me?", I sob. He pulls away.


"You said you hatee me."

"No, it was a dream. I don't hate you." But he doesn't love me either. I just know. What if I do love him? What will I do if my love isn't returned? "Calm down", he says as he wants to comfort me like he heard my non-spoken question.

He tugs the fallen strand of my hair and wipes my tears. "Don't cry." He pecks me on the lips and I bury my head in his bare chest.

"I'm sorry I ruined your morning. I'm sorry." I can feel him shaking his head.

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now