17. Bratz

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I didn't want him to sit next to me. I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't have the guts to look at him. When he's looking at me it's like he can see everything I've been through. Every pain. Every tear I shred. It's so weird. I feel like exposed. Naked. His gaze is so strong.

He places a bracelet in front of me. OMG! I was lookin' for it everywhere. I thought I lost it forever.

"You forgot this." Should I thank him? I usually don't thank people. Anyone. But he's not anyone.

"Thanks", I mumble.

"Always, sweetheart." The way he says sweetheart is so sexy. But, I'm not those rich girls whom he used to call like that.

"Don't call me like that!", I snap.

"Oh, sorry, Bratz." I look at him. Yeah, he can see through me. I see that he's lookin' at my dark circles which I was struggling to cover, cuz it's nearly impossible.

I cried the whole night. I miss her so much. I just can't get over that she didn't think about me. She had me. She didn't have a man next to her, but she had me. Wasn't that enough? Apparently not. Sometimes I just want to hug her, to smell her, to cry on her shoulder, while she fondles my hair. I want to hear her saying she loves me and she'll never live me. But she did leave me. And I'm alone. I'm maybe living with Alexia and Scott and the twins, but I can't tell anyone my suffering. I want no one's pity. I want my mom. Those nights when I cry I remind myself of that lost, scared child with bear in its hands. I don't feel like a strong, bad, arrogant girl. I feel like the old Stella. Stella I killed. But sometimes it's just like she's alive again. And that sometimes was last night.

"Bad night?", he asks, making me go back to reality. See? It's like he can read my mind. I hate that. I can't read shit of him. I don't know him at all except for some stupid story my friends told me.

"Don't", I hiss.

"Don't what?" He moved closer. Oh, gosh. He's doing this on purpose.

When I'm with him I don't feel like a bad girl. I feel like those good girls who fall in love with an arrogant boy and watching these types of movies. But I know that it is just in movies. But I feel just like them. And sometimes I want to be in those movies because they have a happy end. My life seems not to have one. And I can't see any relationship with this guy, so I can only imagine being in those movies, falling in love, being happy, and ending up with him, also happy. Too clishé. They're like fairytales. I don't understand why are people making movies that are impossible in real life? I mean how can you find your soulmate on the street, accidentally and live happily ever after? Huh? Yeah, fuck you can.

I remember that he asked me a question, on which of course I don't want to answer.

"Don't mention that ever again. Forget about that." I'm embarrassed. Very embarrassed 'cuz he saw my weakness, that he can use anytime to hurt me. And probably will use.

"About what?" Oh, he wants to play dumb?

"You know what." I'm tryin' not to look at him.

"Oh, I don't."

"Michael...", I trail off. What am I going to say, when I don't know anything about him.

"Mrs. Max and Mrs. Henson", the teacher warns. That son of a bitch is really annoying. Does he think that I'm going to listen about some triangle shit? When in my fucking life I'll need math? Michael doesn't say anything. Good. Guess he's run out of comments. So am I.

"Stella", I froze when I hear my name. Great. Just fucking great. I can see in the corner of my eye, that Michael is grinning. "Can you borrow me a pen?"

"I can't." Maybe I would have given her a pen if she hadn't just said my name.

"But you aren't using yours..." Oh, what a bitch! Of course, I'm using it for fuck's sake!

"I actually do." I smile and start nibbling the apex of the pen. Bad habit, I know.

"So, Stella...", I hear his voice. My name sounds so nice when he says it. What? What the fuck, Stella? No, it doesn't. It sounds the same like everyone says. No, it doesn't my consciousness said. "Stella Max. A Bratz girl." Do you see? It does. "A bad girl." Okay, I can play with him if he wants to.

"So, Michael. Michael Henson. A rich boy. A boy whose famous father kicked him out of Stoefild Woods-Ridge. What exactly did you do? To live in East Bluff? To go to East High? To be one of us?", I tease. What now, boy? Huh?

"None of your business." Oh, that's what I thought.

"Okay. I don't even care." I do care. But, easy I'll solve this mystery. He's not that hard. Maybe he made a party and they broke every expensive thing and his father was so angry and kicked him out. No, Stella, why would he kick him off because of that? They can always buy another thing. They're famous, rich. They can't afford a scandal. Before I come up with a reason, the bell rings.

"See you, rich boy!", I smiled.

"See you, Bratz!"

I start to like this nickname. But, I'm not sure about his.

NOTE: I hope you like it. Which one do you like it better? Stella's or Michael's POV? Also, do you like when I include both of them?

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