12. Hot Boy With Green Eyes

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I came here with Myles and saw Christopher briefly

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I came here with Myles and saw Christopher briefly. I left Maya and Chloe because they were dancing. I told ya that we were going to be good again. That's how we're working.

I wandered throughout this big house. People were vomiting and I biased them. It was hot so I went outside.

The yard is big and a lot of people were vomiting. Again. I reach for my pocket but realize that I ran out of weed. Dammit. I really need something to call me down. I can't drink tonight. Not after I smoked.

Just when I wanted to go in and find twins, I spotted someone. The figure was tall and dressed in black. I notice a tattoo of a red rose on his arm. I don't like it. It would be nice if he didn't fill it. I hate the red color. Again I see flashbacks from that day. I'm falling into the dark, but some hoarse voice took me back in reality.

"What you're lookin' at?" I'm lookin' at that fucking red color which reminds me of blood that covered the whole bathroom and my mom's body after she cut her wrists with a razor. Instead of that, I say:

"That stupid tattoo. It's girly." Girly? Really, Stella? First, that popped into my mind.

"I don't care what some Bratz girl thinks", he says, annoyed.

"Bratz, huh?" I laugh this time for real. Yeah, I look like Bratz. Fair enough. "I like that." I tried to see some tattoos I like. But his black leather jacket covers them. Then I spotted one quote. I narrow my eyes to read it. It says and one thing I love and hate the most is people change, but the memories don't. It is on his left arm where the sleeve was up, so I could see it.

"But I like this one, though." I tap my finger and let it slide till the last word. When I lifted my head I could see him looking at me with a smirk. Oh my gosh. This wasn't what I thought to do. But I still did.

His eyes are also green, even though I'm sure everyone would say they're blue. I saw that he's amused, but I could see something else. Before I noticed a tattoo I saw him standing and watching stars. He was upset I could say. I don't know who is he. He's probably new here. Or I just didn't see him. But now, his lips are curling into a smirk. A hot smirk. He stepped closer and I feel a wall behind me. I breathe in. Gosh, he's hot. Where did he come from? He would never...

Just as I was about to finish my thought he takes my hand. He was leading me somewhere and I felt fear. This was my plan, yeah, but was I sure? No. I needed weed to be sure. To be calm.

But I was thrilled. I was with this hot guy. Who just slapped the door and pushed me against it, stepping really close.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" And he wants to know my name. No, no, he's just another no relationship guy. They all are. I need to get rid of this fear.

"Not tonight, boy." I kiss him to forget about my hesitation and thoughts. Thoughts about that night. I still have them. Even when I'm with Christopher, but he knows I was in some shit that I don't want to tell him and I'm scared that it's going to happen again. But I wasn't only with Christopher. It was one year since I moved here. Two since my mother died. But I still struggle to forget all that. I'm trying though.

I just feel every time I do something bad, something like this, that part of good Stella dies. And it feels good. One day every part of her will die. And it will only be me. Bad me.

He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He turns around and we sit on the bed, not stopping the kiss. He starts to kiss my neck and I suddenly feel shivers. I see that man. I try to push him, but he doesn't stop. Then I realize that it's this boy, not him.

"Wait... stop...", I whisper, my voice unrecognizable.

I don't know why the hell I can't stop thinking about him when someone touches me. It's not like he rap... I tried to imagine what those girls do. I tried to convince myself that I was lucky and that I shouldn't be scared. But it's not working. I'm still scared that all men are the same. Just like my father. He left my mom when she got pregnant. She was scared and alone. I was thinking about that as a reason for her cruel decision. Maybe she needed someone, but they all were the same.

"I... I", I tried to find words, because his eyes with the same color as mine were watching me confused.

"Did I do something?" I was surprised. No boy ever asked me this when I would ask them to stop. They would even say bitch or tried to kiss me again, but I would hit them there, just like I did then, just like I hit him.
Something about this dark boy is different. Like something is pulling me toward him. I want to stop it and leave, but it keeps pulling me.

"No", I say and try to kiss him again, but he stops me.

"You're trying to piss your boyfriend." How did he know? Yeah, that was my plan. But it changed the moment my eyes looked at his.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Indeed I don't. Christopher is probably makin' out with some other girl.
We're not in a relationship.

I kiss his neck and he touches my hair. Before I can continue, he pushes me to the bed. I look at his eyes wide open and try to convince myself that it's not him. It's this hot boy, with green eyes that I don't know. He takes off his black T-shirt and I gasp when I see his abs. He's very hot. I need to find out who is he. What he hides. But, to be sure that my secrets don't slip. Just his.

NOTE: So, here's Stella's POV from the party. A little bit different from Michael's so you can see what she was thinking. I hope you like it. Which one do you like better? Let me know in the comments.

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