23. A Man Who Despises Women

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Sooner than I know Christopher and I were back together

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Sooner than I know Christopher and I were back together. I'm not really happy. I don't like him. No, not in that way. And he seems to like me a lot and I just don't want to break his heart even though he acts like he doesn't have one. He has it and I saw it, I saw his vulnerability. Guess, all of us have it, even though some of us are trying desperately to hide it, but fail miserably.

Now we're back together and I'm playing with both of our hearts.

"You told me you did not like him", Myles's scolding me. We're alone in the living room of our house. Our house. My house. How weird that sounds. This will never be my house.

"Not like that, yeah", I admit. What's the point in taking it back?

"So, why are you with him, then?", he raises his voice angry. I shot him a glare.

"Don't raise a voice at me." Did I say that I hate when someone raises their voice at me?

"Sorry". If I didn't know him, I wouldn't believe that he is actually sorry. But I know he's just a little bit angry. It's his brother we're talking about.

"First of all, I don't want to break his heart. He literally begged me not to...", I trail off. I shouldn't say this. That is something only I and Christopher should know.

"But you are giving him fake hope."

"I'm not." He raises his ginger eyebrow. I sigh.

I need him to be with me so I can forget Michael. Even though my heart doesn't want to forget him. Every time I'm with Christopher I imagine that is that brown-haired guy with green eyes and tattoos. With a star tattoo under his ear. But when I open my eyes I see that it's not. It's a ginger boy with a lot of freckles and a ring on his lip and brow. Every time I open my eyes I'm disappointed.

"You are going to break his heart even more." Myles stands up and scurries angry. I'm selfish? I know. But what I'm supposed to do?

"Where did Myles go?" Christopher appears in front of me.

"Um, he... he went to sleep. He's tired", I made up. Bad liar.

"Okay. Wanna go outside?"

"Yes." I smile slightly. Maybe watching stars will cheer me up.

I look at the sky full of stars and shiver because of the coldness of the night.

"Come." I look at Christopher who's sitting in the chair and has his arms open for me. I hesitate, but sit on his lap and put my head on his chest.

I don't remember how I did this with his brother, no, it was a moment of weakness and he's just a friend to me. Apparently, Christopher didn't see it that way. He saw it as a thread.

So, instead, I remember how Micahel embrace me after a nightmare. And how I felt calm and almost safe. With Christopher, I don't feel anything. But I like it, cuz I'm not alone. And I hate when I'm alone. When I'm lonely. I hate loneliness.

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