28. I Can't Get Enough

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"Una cosa che impari, infatti, é che non c'é niente che ti lenghi a una persona piú di un segreto" - Chiara Altieri, show Baby, season 3
(Indeed one thing you learn is that there is no stronger bond with someone than a secret)

I think this song is perfect for Stella. Because her heart wants something, but her head tells her to drop it

 Because her heart wants something, but her head tells her to drop it

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That fucking bastard. How could he put his dirty hands of her? How could he think that he could hit her? When I saw some of the kids gasping, I didn't know what was happening. Then I saw him, with her. She was scared. Again, that fear in her eyes. But now I knew where it came from. I couldn't stop myself. He can't touch her. No one is supposed to touch her. Those bastards will only hurt her. But little did I know that I could hurt her, too. And that I will. But even stronger.

I see that she's still scared. I mean she just had a panic attack. I didn't know she suffered from them. I just thought that she was scared of Christopher. I was surprised when I turned around only to see an empty place where she stood. I manage to scurry before the teacher came.

"Where's the girl?"I jerked one kid that stayed to watch the show of me beating the shit out of that bastard. .

"Um... She scurried to the bathroom." I quickly went there and avoided the teacher, leaving Christopher beaten. But I know that later he is going to come for me. But I don't care. Until she's safe.

When I saw her shaking, kneeling on cold floor, struggling to breathe properly I was worried. It took me a year to bring her back. And when she came back I saw more fear in her emerald eyes. I didn't know that it could be more. She looked at my bloody hands. Yeah, I beat the shit out of him.

She must be scared of blood, I thought and washed my hands.

"It's gone. Look at me. Gone." I showed her my hands and then she started to calm herself down. Was that her another secret? Must be.

"You okay?" I look at her, she's standing at the door, awkwardly lookin' at her hands. "Come in. Come here." I beckon the bed.

She sits in the distance, lookin' at her hands on her lap. I approach her and take her hand. She lifts her head, looking at me with sadness in her green eyes. With fatigue. I want to embrace her, but what if she's afraid of me?

"Are you afraid of me?" I need to know. She opens her full lips and then closes them, sighing.

"No." She shakes her head. "Um... I want to thank you for...", she trails off.

"No problem. He's a bastard. I don't know why are you with him anyway", I blurt. Damnit! She looks at me and bows her head, shrugging.

"To forget you."


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