27. Just Breathe

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Now everything is like it was before. Before I met Michael. I don't see him. The seat next to me is empty. But my heart is also empty. I don't know why. Like I fell in love with him. Did I? I don't want to know the answer to that question, anyway.

"What's up, bitch?", I hear Maya's voice from across the table. I roll my eyes at the nickname which she uses for everyone.

"Nothin'. Why?" I bite an apple.

"I don't know, you seem distant", she says. I shake my head.

"Where are Christopher and Myles?" I change the topic.

"Business", Chloe whispers.

"Oh. And others too?" They both nod.

When we were finished we all headed to classes. I'm so bored with chemistry. Maya and Chloe seem to flirt with their partners. But, mine on the other hand was not that pretty... A nerd with glasses, patiently waiting for the teacher to say the instructions. Oh, boriiiiiing.

"Can you give me that?", he asks me. I give him what he wants and rest my chin on my hand.

"You know this isn't that hard, you can join me."

"No, I'll pass. You just do what you have to do." I roll my eyes. What an annoying nerd.

When the class is finally over I feel someone pushes me against the locker. When I lift my gaze I meet Christopher's brown eyes which pupils are too big. I can't really have a chance to say anything 'cuz his lips crash onto mine. His tongue asks for entrance which I don't allow.

"Christopher, stop!", I try to say, but he won't. I push him. "Stop! We're in school." I push him again, but he doesn't move.

"I don't care." He's high. "You're avoiding me." I am. I can't stop thinking 'bout Michael. So I distanced myself from Christopher. And he seems to be angry.

"Yeah, cuz we're in school", I say in a duh tone.

"We can ditch." He leans closer to me, his breath hot and not that fresh. More like stinky of alcohol.

"No. I don't want to. Leave me." I try to go, but he pushes me against the locker. Hard. I almost hit my head. "Christopher", I hiss, "drop it." I see the anger in his eyes. Pure anger. Maybe he is like his father. Possessive, abusive. Maybe all of them are.

"Come with me." He takes my hand and literally pulls me. I try to fight it, but I can't. He's strong. He's the man. Strong man and I'm a weak woman. We're always weak.

"No, no." I shake my head. I can see some of the students watching us confused. Well, trust me I'm confused, too. He has never been like this. Not since I met him. But, can't the students leave? I mean it's irritating to see them here as public like we're in the middle of a movie scene. But, I believe this is interesting. A young woman trying to fight the man.

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