6. Last Summer Break As A Good Girl

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I was more scared than the first time they showed me the strangers, I'd live with. They didn't look like the first ones. This house wasn't lavish like the previous one. Their clothes weren't expensive like first's ones. They were inconspicuous. The woman looked like slut, with greasy hair and fishnet stockings (I had no idea that I'd look like her in the future). The man looked like a drug dealer. Expect, he was. That, I found out later.

Now, you're confused. Why did they look like that? Well, first of all, they like those clothes, those looks. Second of all (or should I also put it in the first place) they didn't want to attract someone's attention and become suspicious.

You could smell weed everywhere. But, I was an innocent blonde girl who didn't recognize that smell. Later I found out that smell was everything I ever wanted. Everything I wished.

I wasn't the only kid in the family. There were twins who were helping the man with drugs. They were like slaves for him and if they did something wrong they would be punished. With a lot of fits and blood. Blood.

I was scared of blood. Every time I saw it I would have a panic attack. I would be stuck in that bathroom with my dead mother and I couldn't escape. I could try over and over again. Every time it would be the same. If not even worse.

I somehow wasn't scared when that woman killed her husband. I didn't see murder and I didn't see him, laying on the ground in blood. No. I covered my eyes, making sure not to see that terrible scene. If I did I don't want to know what kind of nightmares I would have. Because I have them. Nightmares. Lots of them. Over and over again dreaming about my mother's suicide. Over and over trying to save her.

I was quiet once again. But eventually, I talked to the twins. Their names are Myles and Christopher. I would clear their wounds and they helped me to get over panic attacks. I couldn't just leave them like that. Even though they had bruises before I came. No, I did that for them and me. To get over that fear. I couldn't be afraid of blood my whole life. To get over panic attacks. But I never did. I just could control them. Could pretend. But I still felt bad when I was near that crimson thing. And every time I would remember that day and her in the bath.

But I was alone all the time because the twins had to work. It was summer break and I didn't know that was my last summer break as a good girl.

The guys somehow manage to convince me to try weed. I was scared. But when Christopher said it takes the pain away I immediately tried it. Even though I coughed really bad I kept goin'. And it did calm me down. It did.

That was our routine. Every night we would sit under the open sky and watch stars while smoking weed and laughin'. And after a long time, I felt calm. Not scared, but calmed.

They had perks. If they did the job well they could get drugs. Whatever they want. Christopher was using cocaine, but I was okay with weed. And I hear that cocaine is very addictive. I didn't want to be addicted to it. I didn't want to be a fucking junkie. I was just trying to be calm.

But, which perks I have? None. They were sharing it with me. Did I want to sell it? No. But did I had a choice? I don't know. Guess I'll have to find out.

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