47. You are my gift

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I lift my chin from his bare chest and look at him

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I lift my chin from his bare chest and look at him. He is studying my face and I feel like he can pierce through my soul and read it. I don't avert my gaze. I told him everything. Now my soul is empty.

"No, it's not empty, bitch", the stupid demon squeaks.

"Yeah, I know it's not empty, son of a bitch. Thanks for reminding."

I know that my soul is full of darkness and a bunch of shitty things. And my mind thinks over and over again did I made a mistake confessing Michael my past. But I want it to stop and enjoy the last hours of my birthday. Later I can think about the bad things. I have the whole night and then the other one and the other one.

Anyway, I'm now at Michael's room, safe in his embrace, my legs on either side of his body, while I'm laying across his chest and his head is resting on the pillow, his brown eyes with wide pupils are absorbing me and my darkness.

At first, I hesitated to go with him, cuz I was scared of what could happen if Alexia and Scott found out that I wasn't in my bedroom. They'd be pissed off. But when his green eyes found mine when his fingers touched my hand I couldn't resist and I had to entwine mine with his. It looks so perfect. My tiny hand in his enormous one. But I should have known that darkness had to tear our hands from each other. That it had to throw us at the corners, away from each other, alone to suffer.

When I now think of that moment while I was laying at his bare chest, locking my gaze with his gorgeous one I smile. Despite all, I don't regret being with him. It was a beautiful experience and he helped me not to lose hope in people. Even though that didn't last for long. But happiness never lasts long. Happy moments always end pretty fast, so when we are lonely we can remember them over and over again, longing for those happy times, wanting to go back and be happy like we once were. But we can't. And we have to face the fact that we are lonely and God knows when we are going to be happy again.

He caresses my neck and tucks a lock behind my ear. That smile gesture sends goosebumps down my body. But the goosebumps that set the fire in my body. The fire that comes with his touch. The fire is waiting for him to extinguish it. Because only he can do it because without his touch I'd be cold but at the same time I can be burnt alive. However, I need and crave his touch. To feel his lips, his hands on my skin that was touched by someone who should have never got the opportunity to touch it. I shake my head, trying to send that gross memory of mine out the window.

"I'm so sorry for what I have said. I'm so sorry that you had to see all the mess I made in this room. I'm...", he averts his gaze. "Well, I'm embarrassed that you had to see it and that now everything is cleared like that mess never existed. But I know I hurt you with those choices of words. With..."

I put a finger on his mouth and he frowns, confused. "I hurt you, too. And no, don't be embarrassed. You showed me a piece of yourself. Like I showed you. I would like it if you could feel comfortable sharing bad pieces of yourself with me. But, yet again... I'm afraid to show you mine..." I bow my head, turning it to see everything organized and not broken like it was that night.

Star and its darkness (Book 1 in the Darkness&Brightness series)Where stories live. Discover now