9. No Relationship

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Sooner than I know Christopher and I were together

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Sooner than I know Christopher and I were together. Or so I thought.

He was my first boyfriend, but he didn't bother. He was gentle and nice.

But Myles wasn't satisfied. I didn't know why. Can't be that both of them fell in love with me. Myles maybe fell in love with me. But with old me. Old Stella. Stella good girl. Not this improved Stella.

They were different. Myles had less ginger hair and his bottom lip was with no ring. Christopher had a ring, few small tattoos, and more hair, just how he has more freckles than his twin. I liked his ginger hair and freckles. They were so opposite, plus Christopher's rings and tattoos that could easily tell you who's who. You could see who's Myles and who's Christopher. No twins games here.

We were out like every night. I was sitting on Christopher's lap and smoking. He just snorted cocaine.

"Babe...", he whispers in my neck. I shivered.

"Christopher..." I breathe in when he kissed me. He smelled like alcohol and something else.

"Khm..." We turn quickly. Myles looked angry. "Is this how it is going to be? You two making out and me here like a third wheel?"

"No, no, no bro! What are you talkin' 'bout?"

"I am talking what I see."

"No, Myles, it won't", I said, then stand up. "Look at me." I command and lift his chin. "Maybe I'm with him, but we like both of you. I care about both of you. Equal." I turn to Christopher. Then back to Myles. "But, Myles, you like my blonde self. I'm not that girl, anymore. I don't wanna be her. He", I point to his brother, "he accepted my change. You didn't. But I still care." Even though I don't want to I wanted to add but kept it for myself. Myles muttered something into his chin and left.

"Leave him alone. He would accept it too. He's stubborn. Come here." He pointed to his lap and I climbed on.

"I have something to tell you." He looked at me with his brown eyes which have wide pupils. Drugs.

"Tell me, babe."

"Don't.... we... can... we", I stutter.

"I know." I frowned.

"You want me to take things slow because you were through some shit you don't want to tell me and you're scared it'll happen again. It won't. And I have something to tell you, too. You and I are not in a relationship. This is just to cheer us both. I should've told you this earlier. Okay?"

Too much to process. "Okay." I nodded and kissed him slowly.

"No relationship." He separated from me.

"No relationship", I repeat and continued kissing him.

Yeah, I like that. No feelings. I could totally agree with that. And that was my life motto. My rule when I was making out with guys. No relationship. But I felt so hard for someone and ruined that rule which I made for myself. For my own good. For my survival. No relationship. No feels. No problems. Failed.

NOTE: Just wait a little longer and you'll meet our perfect couple- a bad girl and a bad boy. Just wait a little bit and you'll be satisfied. Just a little bit.

Also, I made that edit of Molly! Follow me on insta if you want more of After edits @afterinfinity2020

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