54. You are not my light

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*This chapter contains suicide thoughts*

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*This chapter contains suicide thoughts*

What is life? Life is when your mother carries you nine months in her belly. Life begins when the doctors cut the navel cord and you're covered in blood, crying, and breathing for the first time. The first person who gets to hold you is a doctor and then nurses. They wrap you in white sheets and put you in a room with other babies. All you do is cry, not knowing that you're alive.

And then if you're lucky they show your tiny frame to your parents. But you're still crying and when their hands wrap around you, you calm down. Your mother looks at you with happiness shining in her orbs with admiration and a smile on her tired face, her pain has just vanished and she can't even feel anything more than happiness. She's finally holding a piece of her. But she doesn't know what is going to happen with her child. Yet. Father's child as well.

They all live happily, but not ever after. Something bad always happens. Every baby has its own story that it has to live. And no one can stop it. Not even its parents. Because it's life. And no one can stop life except it has to be stopped at some point. Then it stops, no matter who and how tries to prevent it and save it. It either stops or continues. Because life doesn't answer calls from parents and other people who beg it to do what they want it to do. No, it doesn't care. Life is a story that can't be changed, nor if you tear its pages. It's written and no one can rewrite it.

Life is already written and whatever that baby does to stop something from happening it is going to happen either way.

But maybe that baby wasn't born in a hospital? Maybe a doctor wasn't the first one who held it? Maybe that baby was crying cuz its mama didn't hold it and nurses didn't wrap it in warm sheets. Maybe its mama left her baby in the dark, alone to cry. To cry, until some good soul doesn't find it and shows some mercy. But that baby also doesn't know that it just started livin'. That its life holds some shits it needs to go through. Because that's life. A lot of shits. A devil and an angel. One of them chooses who will be next to you, guiding you through life. Life can either be with the devil or with the angel. And no matter who chooses to be your guardian, life will only try to crush you the more it can. To make you doubt yourself and give up. To kill you.

See, I was a baby born in a hospital, my mom held me, my father, as well. I had them both. Then my mom died. And now my father doesn't want me anymore. How could I as a baby who couldn't realize that I was finally alive, know that my parents' happy faces with smiles covering them and their happy tears in their shiny eyes would turn to this. One of them dead, died in pain; her life finally killed her and potentially ruined her kid's life. The other parent changed his behavior and all his feelings were shown to something dead, material- to the job, to business, popularity, career, and his reputation. All these things he owns can't love him back. It's only platonic love. He chose to throw away his son only because he was a threat to his reputation. Only because then he would become the topic of gossips. And he has to be perfect and only good things can be said about this businessman. And if his son isn't another him, inheriting his firm, then he shouldn't even be next to him.

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