37. Two broken souls

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After I left Stella in the hospital with her foster parents, who don't seem to give a fuck about her neither Myles, I couldn't stop thinking about her

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After I left Stella in the hospital with her foster parents, who don't seem to give a fuck about her neither Myles, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wanted to send her a message, but I realized that I didn't have her number.

Guess, that staying away from her turned out different than I planned. But I couldn't just leave her in that bastard's hands. I'm kinda angry I didn't get a chance to beat him. To punish him and let him pay for everything he has done. For how he treated Stella. I really hope Myles turns him in and that the police arrest him. That son of a bitch deserves the worst for hurting Stella.

I step outside, stretching because it's 7 in the morning and I hate getting up early. I yawn as I'm surprised to see Tyler on the porch smoking.

"Since when are you smoking?", I ask, shocked that I see smoke coming from his mouth. This makes him startle.

"Good morning to you too, bro! I smoke sometimes yes." He passes me the cigarette and I take a puff. Already feelin' better.

"Do you think she is goin' to be there?", I ask, meaning on school.

"I don't know, bro. She has been through a lot these days. If I were here I would take some rest. She really needs it."

"Yeah", I say, agreeing.

"Michael", he turns to look at me, "I just wanted to say that I'm happy that wasn't you. I don't want to think about what could have happened, but I'm glad you are okay. I don't want to lose you."

I hug him tight. I don't know how I deserve him, but I'm glad he's there with and for me. Always. He never left me. And I hope he won't change his mind and realize how really of a bastard I actually am. But when he says the next words I realize that I really have to fuck up to make him leave me. And I will try not to do that because I need him next to me. I need someone who doesn't only sees my flaws, but my virtues. If I even have them.

"You're my brother. Remember that", he says, when I let go of him.

"You, too." I pat his shoulder and we jump into the car and head to the school.

When I enter the classroom, her seat is empty. Tyler was right. It's better if she takes some rest. But it's like I feel empty inside. Empty without her. It's like she's the missing piece I was struggling to find. But I'm now struggling and hesitating to accept it. Can the two of us work? Together? I never believed in love. It can only break you, shattering your pieces terribly, making it impossible to ever find them and put them back together. So after love, you'll never be the same. So I prefer staying out of it. As far away as I can.

But I can still be with her? You don't have to love someone to be with them. You can like them. And I like her. A lot.

But neither do I believe in a relationship. I think that all of that is fake. What love is? Nothing, but fake and overrated. Something unattainable. Something that people like me can't afford it. Broken people. Fucked up, people. Life already broke me, so I don't want to give it a pleasure to broke me even more, with some love shit. But, she's fucked up, too. So maybe she can't hurt me? Maybe we can heal each other's wounds? That question hangs out in the air, while the teacher is explaining some bullshit that includes numbers as well as letters.

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