15. Mysterious Boy

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"She fucked Michael freaking Henson!" I hear Maya's voice as I enter the room

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"She fucked Michael freaking Henson!" I hear Maya's voice as I enter the room.

We're at her house. Her parents are always somewhere, never home. I see my friends lookin' at me eyes wide open. I even see Christopher who didn't suppose to be here. I thought he was working.

"What are you doin' here?", I ask him, sitting near him. But not on his lap.

"I finished earlier."

"Oh, okay. What were you talkin' about?" I turn to girls.

"Oh, nothin'", Chloe says smilin'. She's obviously lying.

"Where were you last night?", Christopher asks me a little bit angry. Why would he be angry? I wasn't angry when he disappeared. And he would never tell me where he was if I asked him. But, when he asks me of course I have to tell him.

"Um, I was at the party, I guess."

"You guess?" He raises an eyebrow. His thin eyebrow matches his hair color.

"I can go whenever I want to. You, too." I frown. It seems like he forgot what we agreed on. No relationship. So, that means I don't have to tell him anything.

"Yeah, but I stay low. I don't go to fuck the richest guy."

"The richest?" I bewilder.

"OMG, she doesn't know!" Chloe covers her lips with her hand.

"Yeah, I don't know. What's goin' on here?" They all are acting weird.

"Okay, girl. The boy you fucked..." I despise world fuck when it's used in this contest. You can say somethin' else. Not fuck. Gross.

"....is freaking Michael Henson!", Chloe finishes. She said that like he's a celebrity. I'm mean, duh.

"And who's he?", I ask not amused. I don't get their excitement. Seriously, what is wrong with them?

"His father is a famous attorney and they own a house in Stonefield Woods-Ridge. I mean OMG, they're loaded", Maya chimes in.

"Yeah, but he's bastard now", Christopher joins, "his father kicked him out. That's why he joined the gang. He joined three months ago because his father wasn't giving him money, anymore." I try to process everything they said. Why would his father kick him out? And why he's livin' in East Bluff now?

"You shouldn't be near him. I don't believe him."

"Why?" I turn to Christopher. He can't say me with whom I can be or sleep. He really forgot what we agreed on.

"He's not..." I cut him off.  "Just because he was a rich kid and everyone says he's famous and we're not, doesn't mean his bastard", I use Christopher's description.

I think he goes to our school. That means he's no longer the rich kid he was. Why always judge a book by its cover? I don't know why am I defending him, to be honest.

"I don't tell you with whom girl to fuck or not to fuck!" I snap and stand up ready to go out. "See ya, later!", I shout.

"What was that?" I hear Chloe's voice in a blur.

They're jealous. Those bitches are jealous. I saw their faces. They would die to sleep with him. They were describing him as a God. But, the truth is he's near to God. He's near. His body is like uh, goddess, his jaws and perfect contoured face are... just perfect. But his eyes... they are something different. Like they belong to someone else. To some distant and melancholy man. They're certainly don't belong to God.

And what the fuck Christopher means? He doesn't believe live him and now I have to obey what he says. He thinks he can tell me what to do and with whom I can sleep and with whom not. No way he can tell me that. I don't tell him that. Is he afraid of him or something? Or maybe jealous. No way Christopher can be jealous. He doesn't like me. And I don't like him. We're just how you say it... friends with benefits? Yeah, that.

Michael joined a gang three months ago. That means he's trying to earn money because his dad cut him off. But where's he livin' now? In fraternity? 'Cuz I don't think that room we were, was his. Not that I could look anywhere else except his eyes and body. His body was so hot like I already said countless times, but I can say that again, why not. But his eyes hide something. I don't know what yet, but I surely want to find out.

I don't know what is this, that is pulling me to him. I don't know what is, but I can't resist. I want to, but I can't. Like I can feel someone's hands pulling me to him, to find out more about him.

I didn't pay attention to him. Because he's still new and it's been only one week since school began. He's probably the reason why all girls were flustered and screaming, describing his body and face. I don't blame them, I understand them now, but I didn't know that he was there. As I said, I wasn't paying attention. New, old students I don't care. I don't look at anybody, I don't speak to anybody and they don't speak to me. I only hang out with Christopher's friends and if they weren't there I would probably be alone.

Now, I want to know what happened to him. I want to discover what those green eyes are hiding. I like mystery. Everything is boring here in East Bluff. Everyone is either bitch or a son of a bitch. This guy is surely different than all of them and he's definitely a mystery. His black clothes are not like everyone else's. Something is different. And here everything and everyone is the same. People probably think that I'm the same bitch, too. I maybe look like one, but I'm not. I'm hiding too much shit. And looks like he's hiding, too.

My previous family was living in Glacier Ridge. They were rich but turned out that rich people have weird and psycho intentions. But if that family was there, why then put me in this area? In the area that I belong to. Considering that I lived with my mom in Park Ridge. Not that I want to be rich. I don't. I don't like rich people. They're weird, strange, and psycho. But this guy maybe isn't. Or is? Isn't everyone the same? I said don't judge a book by its cover, but right now that's what I'm doing. Guess I'll find out. Or that was my intention.

I don't know how to get some pieces of information about him. I can't ask him directly. He would never tell me. But if I want to know his secret, am I sure that mine won't slip out? Because I can't let that happen. I can't let some bad boy know my darkest secret. Secrets. I don't have only one, do I? I'm full of darkness. But, what if he is, too? What if this boy is similar to me? What if his eyes hide the darkness in which I'm drowning? Do I really wanna know his demons? Yes, I do. But, I need to make sure that mine doesn't get exposed. That'll be hard, but I want to know. So I'll do anything to find out what is up with this boy. What is that he hides? Anything.

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