30. Darkness And Light

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I look at the sun that has just risen

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I look at the sun that has just risen. My eyelids are heavy, but I keep my eyes open. I want to absorb the lightness because I'm drowning in darkness. My eyes are burning, but I can't feel anything. I'm numb. Tears dried on my cheeks. My body doesn't shiver anymore. I survived it. Did I? Even that light that Michael found and turned on, even that light is gone now. I'm devoured by darkness.

No man can break me. I get up and look at the beautiful display in front of my eyes. The dawn. I love dawn. It's so serene. All those bright colors which appear after dark, black night. I hope that one day I'll rise like the dawn.

I try to pick all of my clothes, but I can't. I want to throw it. I want to go back and never kiss Christopher. I thought he was vulnerable just like me. I didn't see him as an abusive person, just like his father. But it seems he's just like him. He actually did it. I thought I escaped it, I was saved from that man, but looks like fucking life was hidden right in the corner laughing at me, waiting to break me again. This time I wasn't saved. I was actually calming myself with the fact that I was saved, but now... Now I cannot say that. Now I know how it is. To be broken. To feel like prey. Like a victim. And that Emily. Who knows what she's been through?

I head downstairs, praying that he's not there. He left last night after... He was probably drinking. That's his weakness. Just like his father's. I don't care, he can drown in alcohol.

The kitchen is empty. I fill a glass of water and take a sip, trying to calm myself down. Trying to make my throat alive again, not dry. I try to get rid of my darkness. My dark thoughts, those that threaten to kill me. I can't let them. But you're already dead, they say. Yeah, I'm.

What if my mother was right for leavin' this world? What if there are only darkness and no light? What if I'm trapped there? Just like she was. And that if I can do only what she did to escape this darkness? What after this life light appears again? What if I can see it again and escape this darkness? What if...

Some noise cuts my thoughts. Good, I didn't know how to stop them, anyway.

"Hey, you are up!" For one second I see him. And I shiver, taking a step back. "Are you okay?" Instead of Myles' smile, I see his brother's evil grin.

I try to come back to reality and try to escape the darkness once again, that keeps chasing me and pulling me back and back. Down and down. Deeper and deeper. I know it's not him. Just my darkness wanting to fool me.

"Yeah, I'm up." I turn to the refrigerator and open it, trying to cover my fight with darkness. "Do you want to make you breakfast?", I ask, trying not to break. It's done. I can't break again. All pieces of me are shattered. And I can't collect them. I'll leave them like that. Shattered. Alone.

"But only if you join me." Yeah, that's the exact opposite of Scott. But maybe Myles is going to become Christopher one day. And then both of them are going to be like Scott. And then that man. Christopher, already became, though.

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