24. Jackpot

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Amazing edit made by my girl Binna06

Amazing edit made by my girl Binna06

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I was bored in every class. I hate school. H-A-T-E. My phone rings at the same time when the school one does. No, I don't shut my phone down because of fucking school. Why would I? Maybe it's somethin' important and I have to take it. Of course more important than school.

I glance at ID. It's Tyler.

"What's up, bro?", I answer.

"Bro, my car! Something's wrong! Come here fast!"

"Bro, why do you need me?" I lean against the locker. The noise of students is too loud. Why do they keep shouting I have no freakin' idea.

"I can't go nowhere! Comeeee!", he begs.

"Okay, okay. I'll come. Because I'm bored", I lie. No, because he's my best friend and I'll do anything for him.

"Yeah, yeah, just come."

I don't have a car, so I had to walk to the frat house

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I don't have a car, so I had to walk to the frat house. I'm hella tired. Or it's maybe the sun? It's so hot today. I'm glad I'm wearing a skirt, a black one of course. But of course, I had to put on fishnet stockings. My hair is down and I regret it. It's sooo hot.

When I spot the house I feel revealed. Finally. Now at the day house looks bigger. I find it really nice. Simple but fancy and rich at the same time.

I step on the porch and this house in front of me doesn't look like it was a victim of the last weekend's party. I can only imagine the mess all those guests left. And poor one who had to clean all of that.

I knock on the door and wait. I sigh. Hope all of this wasn't for nothin'.

The guy that I recognize from the school opens the door.

"Tyler?", I confuse.

"Stella? What a pleasure. What are you doing here?", he asks, confused as well.

"I can ask you the same thing."

"I'm the owner", he grins. Wow, I didn't know that. Yeah, I only went to one party here, even though I've been living here for two years now, but I had no idea who owned the house. "Yeah, I know how that sounds", he says, bringing me back to reality. "So, come in."

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