36. Don't forgive twice

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After Myles woke up I literally jumped on him and hurt him by accident, but I couldn't stop myself because I was really worried that I would lose him

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After Myles woke up I literally jumped on him and hurt him by accident, but I couldn't stop myself because I was really worried that I would lose him. He kept smiling at me and telling me he was alright and I shouldn't have to worry.

And everything was alright until they came. Our foster parents. Did I mention that I hate the word foster? Yeah, well I do. Scott, kept yelling at us, especially at Myles, scolding him for not staying low and saying how they could have found out about the gang stuff. And if they found out, he would kill him and his brother and then came back to me.

I shivered at this, scared of Scott after a long time. He really is bad even though he doesn't look and behave like that. Just like Christopher. They are the same. I was right all the men are the same. And if I didn't know that Scott wasn't a foster father to Christopher I would think that they are father and son.

The police were also here, waiting to interrogate Myles. I told him to report Christopher. Scott also said he'd report him because he deserved everything bad to happen to him. After all, he didn't think about the gang at all. Like the gang is everything we care about. How can he not see that they don't care about this fuckin' gang because he made them be in it? That wasn't their choice at all. But I think that Christopher liked his position at the gang.

No matter what we say to Christopher's twin brother, no matter how much Scott yells at him and threatens to slap him (which I think he would do if we weren't in the hospital and the police weren't checking on us) everything is up to Myles.

Maybe, Scott has said that Christopher is a bad child that always causes troubles and that he had a really bad time trying to make a man of him (and he did make the smaller version of himself), even though he never really tried to really do that. He was only beating him, reminding him of his father's violence. But of course, he didn't care about that and kept doing it and helping the process of making Christopher a monster.

I still don't know was Christopher always a monster or did he become one. Yes, he became one. Imagine, seeing your father beating your mom. He thought that was love. He still thinks. Imagine your father beating you non-stop. What would you think? Why would my father do that if it wasn't good? So, he learned everything from his father and now he is a younger version of him.

But what I can't understand is how Myles didn't turn out to be like Christopher? He is the exact opposite of him. Like I said multiple times. He is an angel and his twin is a devil. But the same blood is running through their veins. They are brothers and they have the same father and mother. But when you look at them, no, not look, when you separate them and learn about each of them, you realize that they are the two opposite worlds. One is a planet of fire and anger and the other one is a planet of water, nature, peace, and kindness. How? Well, I'm still trying to find an answer to that. Until then, I'm clueless.

Alexia, though didn't say anything special, only agreed with her husband, even though I know that she kept cheating on him, with one of the closest people Scott has. With his right hand. And I feel something bad toward her even though I shouldn't. I never knew what was her problem, what kind of demons were chasing her. Because every single person has demons chasing them and they all have to fight with their darkness, so we shouldn't judge them so easily. Well, we can't help but do that, so better said than done.

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