「Chapter forty-seven」

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Warning; Birth problems - medium character death

Soon, Jimin's peace was gone. The four pups made it clear that his tummy was now a too tight space for the four of them and they wanted to get out. Many doctors and nurses were walking around and there was one nurse that was right beside him, talking to him, even though he could barely hear her over the rumors from the other doctors. Taehyung was right next to him, getting the life squeezed out of his hand. 

'Whenever you feel like you need to push, you have to.', the nurse told him. 'Your body will feel exhausted after the first pup, but you need to stay awake until the fourth. If everything goes well, the babies should be out in no time.', Jimin nodded. His tail was curled around his belly, the tickling sensation making the pain ease a little. Taehyung was playing with Jimin's hair carefully.  

'We'll have four pups tomorrow.', Taehyung smiled widely. 'I'm so excited.', Jimin scoffed.

'Yeah... more than excited to get this over with!', he grumbled. He whimpered when a contraction appeared. It got worse and worse each second. 

'The first one is coming!', he heard one of the doctors call. Taehyung felt bad for Jimin, but he was also more than excited. 

Jimin pushed hard, his belly and under section aching. But soon- sooner than he had expected. The first pup was out. Jimin had never felt this happy in his life. He couldn't contain the smile on his face. They cut the umbilical cord of the pup and brought the baby away. Jimin's smile disappeared quickly.

'No.', he whined. 'My pup. They're mine!', 

'They are just going to check if they're okay.', the nurse said quickly. 'Please don't worry, Jimin-ah. Just focus on getting the other pups out, I will ensure you that you'll get them after all of this is over.', Jimin whined, pouting at not being able to see his firstborn pup. 

'What was it?', Jimin asked, wondering if they called it out but he didn't hear it at all. 

'A little girl.', the nurse answered. 'Now, focus, Jimin-ah.', 

That was easier said than done. He wanted to get this over as soon as possible. He pushed again. 

When the second pup was out, the reaction was much different than before. Jimin did not notice, he was only happy to get one other devil out. Taehyung did notice. He noticed how one of the nurses gasped when they cut the umbilical cord and how they went another way than the nurse did with their first pup. He didn't like this reaction at all. 

Jimin almost fell asleep when he pushed out the third pup. The nurse and Taehyung had to shake him out of the sleepy state so he could deliver the last pup. 

'I don't want to anymore.', Jimin cried. 'It hurts, Taehyung-ah.', 

'I'm sorry Jiminie.', he gave Jimin a peck on the forehead. 'But this is the last one, the last one baby. Everything will be fine after that.', Jimin pouted.

'It hurts...',

'And it'll soon be over.', Taehyung reassured him. 'Just one more, Jiminie.', 

With the persuasion of Taehyung, Jimin did deliver the last pup without falling asleep. He buried his face in his hands, rubbing his eyes and running a hand through his hair.

'You did it Jimin-ah!', Taehyung peppered Jimin's face with many kisses and smiled widely. 

'We are going to bring you to another room.', the nurse said. 'There, you can sleep and when we wake you up you can see the pups. The doctors are busy making sure the pups are fine. So first, get some sleep. You're not hurt anywhere now, are you?', Jimin sighed and thought. He didn't feel pain, he was just sore. Very sore, his stomach and leg were aching. 

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