「Chapter twenty」

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'How do you feel about marking?'

Jimin looked up from his book at Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes shined as he looked at Jimin, his hair messy, but he laid comfortable on his lap.

'Marking?', Jimin repeated.

'Yes.', Taehyung confirmed. Jimin closed his book and thought for a few seconds.

'I don't know.', he said, scratching the back of his head. 'Kinda scary?',

'Why scary?', Taehyung sat up and looked in confusion at his lover. 'Are you afraid it's going to hurt?'

'No, absolutely not.', Jimin said quickly, he put his book on the table in front of them and pulled his knees up so he could place his chin on it. 'It's just... when you're marked, you're bound to him forever. You can't break it.'

'Okay, first; that the whole point of marking.', Taehyung chuckled. Jimin rolled his eyes with a smile. 'And second; you can break it, but I've read that that isn't very pleasant.' Jimin nodded but lowered his eyes anyway. 'Did you think we wouldn't be together forever?', He added in a tiny voice, tilting his head to the side.

'No, no, no, that's not it!', Jimin said quickly, waving his hands frantically. 'It's just...- I don't know? I've never- well, I have thought about it, but...- you know, I never...-' Jimin sighed and buried his face in his hands. 'I hate this.', he mumbled. Taehyung chuckled.

'How about this?', Taehyung pulled Jimin toward him and hugged him. Jimin smiled and laid his head on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung giggled and laid down, taking Jimin with him. 'You do your research about marking and all, and then you decide if you want to or not.' Jimin nodded.

'I think I want to, but I don't know when.', Jimin mumbled.

'That's okay, baby, don't rush.', Taehyung said.

'Thank you.'


'Tae-Tae.', Jimin was sitting on the bed crosslegged, waiting for Taehyung to join him. His tail was swishing behind him, hair messy and he was comfortable in Taehyung's shirt, which was already oversized for him, and especially for Jimin.

'What is it?', Taehyung asked, walking into the bedroom. Jimin stretched out his arms making grabby hands and pouting a little. Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked to the bed. Jimin smiled as he took his hands.

'I want kisses.', Jimin giggled. Taehyung tilted his head.

'Do you?', Jimin nodded. 'And where do you want kisses baby?'
Jimin poked his cheeks, his forehead, nose, lips, every part of his face. Taehyung giggled, cupping Jimin's face and peppering his face with kisses. Jimin laughed. Taehyung missed his cheeks, forehead, nose and finally his lips. Jimin raised his hands, tugging Taehyung closer to him. Taehyung placed one hand on Jimin's waist, the other still cupping his face. Jimin smiled into the kiss, laying down on the bed and tugging Taehyung with him. 

Taehyung's hands rested on Jimin's hips, raising them slowly and feeling the soft skin underneath the shirt. Jimin brought one hand to Taehyung's hair, slightly tugging on it. Taehyung let out a groan gripping Jimin's hips a little tighter. Jimin's other hand rested on Taehyung's back, and Taehyung tensed slightly. It'll be fine... he thought. He probably won't notice. But Jimin did notice, only he wasn't sure why he did. So he applied pressure on Taehyung's back and-

Taehyung tensed up again, he let go of Jimin entirely, he pushed himself off him and walked straight out of the room. Jimin was confused. He sat up and looked at the door through which Taehyung disappeared. He didn't know if he should follow him, if he wanted to be alone or if he wanted to talk to someone. Jimin just sat there, staring at the door and hoping Taehyung would walk in again, so they could talk. 

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