「Chapter twenty-seven」

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Edit; would you guys like it if I made spin offs? Sope spin-off, namjin spin-off and a Jungkook spin-off? Please react to this🙃❤️


Mae reacted differently then they thought. Seokjin had to tell her the following morning when the pain meds worked out. Namjoon had cried a lot. He told Seokjin how excited she was in the car, just before the accident.

'S-she w-was so hap-py.', Namjoon had sobbed. 'I-I rui-ned it for her, Jinnie. Oh, god.'

Mae grew quiet. The moment she heard that she couldn't be an idol, she was silent. When they told her she might have rheumatism, she was quiet. When they told her she wasn't allowed to dance for at least a year, she was quiet. They couldn't get another word out of her then "yes" or "no". She had to stay in the hospital for another week and after that, she wasn't allowed to walk yet, needing a wheelchair to move for a couple of weeks. She couldn't go to school anymore as well, staying at home with just Namjoon.


Time passed. A lot of time passed.

The first-second Taehyung and Jimin were still preparing for their shop.

The second they already opened it.

Time seemed to pass quickly as they managed the shop with each other.

A year passed,

Taehyung and Jimin had great success with their shop. The shop would always be filled with children clutching their parent's arms to show them what they wanted. Jimin always smiled whenever he saw a little kid walking around in the store, eyes round and in complete awe from all the sweetness around him.

On a quiet day, the bell tingled. Jimin looked up from behind the register. His eyes lit up and he quickly ran toward the person.

'Mom!', He embraced her tightly. Taehyung smiled as he came walking from the back to fill the aisles with candy. 'I haven't seen you in so long.', Jimin said when he let her go. 'How was your business trip?'

'It was fine.', his mother sighed, patting Jimin's head. 'It was a little quiet... without your dad, you know.' Jimin sighed, nodding while looking to the ground. 'But, how are you doing, dear?', his mother asked cheerfully.

'I am fine.', Jimin said with a smile. 'The shop is running well, and everything is fine with us.'

'You are taking good care of my son, do you?', his mother asked Taehyung with a raised eyebrow. Taehyung chuckled.

'Of course, ma'am, he's most special.', Taehyung said with a smile. The bell tingled again.

'Good afternoon everyone!', Mae said with a wide smile. Jungkook walked in after her. 'How are you all? And- oh! Hello Miss.', she added as she saw Jimin's mother.

'Well hello.', his mother said with a smile. 'So our Jungkook finally got a girlfriend after all this time?' Jungkook blushed madly. 'And a pretty one too.' Mae smiled brightly.

'Awh, thank you miss.', she said with a smile. 'Little Jungkookie is very thankful for, but he's a little flustered I think.' Jungkook tried to hit her, but Mae danced out of his reach with a smile on his face. Mae danced towards the register and sat down on it.

'How is work going, Mae?', Taehyung asked.

'Honestly, it is hell.', Mae answered. 'The glasses are heavy, but I just need to work otherwise I don't get enough salary for the house.'

'But dear, don't forget the benefits.', Jimin's mother said with a smile.

'I don't get them.', Mae said. Jimin's mothers raised an eyebrow. 'Hybrid.' She said while pointing at her ears. 'We don't get any benefit.'

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