「Chapter nineteen」

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'What did you dream about?', Jimin asked Taehyung. They were laying in bed, Jimin's head on Taehyung bare chest and Taehyung was playing with Jimin's hair. They were happy, and nothing could change that at the moment.


'Last night, before I woke you up.', Jimin explained, tilting his head to look at his lover.

'I don't know, it was weird.', Taehyung said. 'I was running through a hall at first, then the floor disappeared underneath me and then I was standing in a graveyard.'

'I don't like graveyards.', Jimin said. 'They are scary and they give me a weird feeling.'

'Weird feeling?', Taehyung asked with a frown.

'It's always so cold inside of me and I get goosebumps and I get sad, most of the time I have to cry.', Jimin told him. 'Luckily I haven't been to a graveyard for someone of my family.',

'Not even your grandparents?',

'I've never met them.', Jimin said. 'They died before mom and dad adopted me.', Taehyung hummed. 'Why were you at a graveyard?', Jimin asked after a few moments of silence. Taehyung didn't say anything yet, just continuing to play with Jimin's hair. 'You were screaming just before I woke you up.', Jimin added.

'I must annoy you.', Taehyung joked.

'You never annoy me.', Jimin said honestly. 'But tell me, at who's grave were you standing?' Taehyung sighed and looked down at him. Jimin looked up at Taehyung.

'I was standing at a family grave.', Taehyung said. 'And that you laid there, and four others, but I don't know them.', Jimin blinked and then tightened his arms around Taehyung.

'I'm not dead.', Jimin said softly, kissing the center of Taehyung's chest. 'I'm right here.' Taehyung smiled. 'You said it was a family grave?', Taehyung hummed. 'Who were the other four? Were it my parents?'

'No, It was four names which I didn't recognize.', Taehyung said. 'It said they were children.', Jimin frowned as he dug deep in his memories.

'I don't have any cousins.', He then said thoughtfully. 'Who were those kids?'

'I don't know.'

'It couldn't be our kids.', Jimin continued to think out loud. 'We can't procreate because we aren't the same species.',

'Unfortunately.', Taehyung mumbled. 'I like kids. Well, if they're nice to me.'

'You monster!'

'You do not belong here!'

'Get back to your own kind!'

'They have to listen to you, your the adult now.', Jimin chuckled. 'I like kids as well. They're cute.' Jimin propped himself up so he could look better at Taehyung's face. 'Do you want children later?' Taehyung shrugged, not wanting to bother Jimin with that question. 'Tae, come on! I wanna know.' Jimin said with a smile, poking his chest. Taehyung giggled.

'If it was possible, I would like to have kids.', Taehyung said with a wide smile.

'Of course, is it possible.', Jimin said in a "matter-of-fact" tone. Taehyung frowned, still smiling.

'What do you mean?', he asked.

'You are stupid.', Jimin chuckled. 'Ever heard of adoption, Tae-Tae.', Taehyung looked at Jimin for a few seconds, expression clueless. But then his eyes went wide and his lips parted.

'It is possible!', he exclaimed happily. He sat up straight quickly. 'You can adopt children? Really, even I?'

'Of course you could.', Jimin said, sitting down as well. 'Why wouldn't you?'

'Well, I'm a hybrid and I don't have an owner and-'

'I'm a hybrid as well and I don't have an owner.', Jimin interrupted him. Taehyung looked at Jimin for a few seconds.

'Oh right.', he then mumbled. Jimin burst out laughing at Taehyung's confused face.

'Oh, I love you so much.', Jimin chuckled. Taehyung giggled.

'I would like to have kids.', Taehyung said with a wide smile. Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung and hugged him tightly.

'You would be the best father.', Jimin told him. Taehyung's smile even grew wider.


A time passed, they had gone to dress up and go downstairs so Jimin could make some breakfast. Taehyung was sitting at the table, head laying on his arms as he watched how Jimin prepared the food. The hoodie Jimin was wearing was Taehyung's so it was too big for him, but he liked it, Taehyung did as well. Taehyung was thinking. He was thinking about the future. The talk of kids made him think of it.

'Jimin.' Jimin hummed, signing he was listening. 'Do you want to be a professional dancer?'

'Well, It would be nice.', Jimin chuckled.

'No, I mean would you like to do that as your career? For later, you know?', Taehyung explained further. Jimin shrugged.

'I only got on this education because I didn't know what else to do.', Jimin said. 'But I don't know yet.' Taehyung hummed as well. It was silent for a while again. 'And you, Tae?'


'What do you want to do?' Taehyung looked at Jimin, his back was still turned toward him. Taehyung thought. What did he want? He didn't know. Well, he had an idea. 'Tae?' Jimin turned around.

'I want to start a candy shop.', Taehyung then said. Jimin raised an eyebrow. 'I never got much candy in the facility, but I absolutely love it. So, I would like to start a candy store.' Jimin nodded, Taehyung could see him thinking as well.

'You need to do the financial things as well.', Jimin said.

'Yeah, that could be a problem later.', Taehyung admitted, scratching his neck. Jimin took the plates and set them onto the table.

'Well, I'm good at math, I think if my mom explains a bit to me I think I would be able to help you with that.', Jimin said, thinking still. Taehyung looked at Jimin.

'You want to help me?', he asked with a tiny voice.

'Of course, I think it would be pretty interesting.', Jimin said. 'That's what I want to do later. I'm going to help you with the candy shop.', he said making his decision. Taehyung looked at Jimin with wide eyes.

'Thank you!' Taehyung jumped up and wrapped his arms around Jimin. 'Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I love you!', he kept repeating while pressing kisses on Jimin's cheek. Jimin laughed.


A few days passed. Taehyung had a question for Jimin he already had for a long time now. He only didn't know how to ask it, but he really wanted to. Jimin was reading a book, and Taehyung had laid his head in his lap. Taehyung was bored, but he didn't want to bother Jimin, he seemed really into the story. Jimin's hand was unconsciously in Taehyung's hair, playing with it slightly. Taehyung didn't mind though.

He wondered how he should ask it; should he talk around it or should he ask it straight forward. He thought straight forward was a better idea, so he could chicken out. Should he do it now? Or wait? No, he wanted to ask Jimin as soon as possible. Now would be a great option. Right?



'How- ehm...' Taehyung was silent for a few seconds.

'I'm listening.', Jimin said.

'How do you feel about marking?'


Kinda cliffhanger?

Kinda cliffhanger. u3u

by the way, follow me on Instagram please, I'm updating about my stories regularly and I make covers.😘👌🏻

And 1K guys?? Thank you so much!!

I purple u all!💜

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