「Chapter six」

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Taehyung walked into their living room. It was a few weeks after Taehyung and Jimin had seen each other again. It was great to see both of them so happy, although Jimin didn't wanted to talk about him freeing Taehyung from the chair he was tied into. He would keep that conversation for another day.

'What's wrong, Taehyung?'

'I don't feel good.', he said.
Namjoon walked to the younger. His shirt was clamped against his skin by sweat and his hair was damp.

'Shit', Namjoon cursed. 'Taehyung, you're getting into heat.'
Taehyung groaned and almost fell as his legs couldn't lift him anymore. Namjoon caught him and quickly got him into his bed.
'I can't help you...', Namjoon mumbled. 'I- I'm going to get someone who can help you, wait, Taehyungie please.'
He turned around and rushed out of the room.
He ran towards the dormitory of Jimin and knocked. Jimin opened the door after a while, still half asleep. He had quickly grabbed an outfit, that's clear.

'Hyung, What the hell?', Jimin mumbled. 'It's nine am and Sunday, for god sakes.'

'Taehyung is in heat.', Namjoon blurted out.

'He is what?', Jimin asked sharply - instantly awake.

Jimin stared at Namjoon. For a few seconds, he wants to help Taehyung. But on the other hand, he didn't want to.
'Is Jungkook here?'

'What's wrong?', Jungkook stood behind Jimin in less then a second.

'I wouldn't ask you this if this wasn't urgent.', Namjoon said quickly. 'I hate the fact that you had to help everyone when they were in heat in the pound, but Taehyung is now in heat and I can't help him- I'm an alpha and he is and... if Seokjin notices then-'

'We don't need to hear that.', Jungkook interrupted him quickly. 'I'll help him.'

'You what?'
Jimin glared at the bunny. He couldn't help but feel a sting of jealously.

'I'm used to it anyway, hyung.', Jungkook shrugged. 'I like Tae-hyung, he's nice. So I'll help him.'
Jimin glared at Jungkook.

'I'm coming with you.', he then said.
Both Jungkook and Namjoon look confusedas Jimin walks around and grabbed his sneakers and a jacket. He walked out with Jungkook and Namjoon and shoved his hands in his pockets.

'How was Taehyung when you left him?', Jungkook asked Namjoon.

'What do you mean?', Namjoon asked with a frown. 'He was in heat, you know what it means.'

'I know, but did he just got into heat or was it already going on during the night?', Jungkook explained.

'I- I think it just started.', Namjoon stuttered. 'Why do you want to know?'

'So I know if I get bruised or not.', Jungkook said. 'Like you said, he's an alpha. Alphas are rough. They always are. Never try to be gentle or so.'
Jimin scrunched his nose.
'I've enough experience with alpha's and heats, Jimin-ah, believe me.'

Namjoon opened the door and they all walked in. The first thing that Jimin noticed that the entire dormitory smelled like vanilla, and trees, Taehyung's scent. He stopped in his tracks, surprised by the huge smell of his scent.

'You should wait here, Jimin.', Jungkook said.

'Why?!', Jimin asked sharply - forcing his eyes open, he didn't even realize he had closed them.

'Because the smell of an hybrid in heat can get you in heat earlier then you would have thought.', Jungkook said.

'And you?', Jimin asked with a frown.

'I got into my heat this summer, I don't mind that my second heat will be a bit earlier.', Jungkook shrugged. 'It doesn't matter to me anymore.'

'Well, I want to know how he's doing.', Jimin continued stubbornly.

'It can be quite shocking.', Jungkook warned him while walking to Taehyung's room.

'I don't care!', Jimin continued - following the younger. 'I just want to know if he's alright and-'
When Jungkook opened the door and walked in, the scent was even worse. Jimin literally flinched by the strong smell. He looked into the room, his eyes searching for Taehyung. He wish he didn't.

Taehyung was gripping the sheets tightly in his hand, his shirt was drenched in sweat and his face was scrunched up by the pain he was feeling through his entire body. Jungkook simply walked towards the bed and sat down next to him, the bed dipping as he sat. Taehyung's ears perked up and he opened his eyes. His eyes were bright orange, the pupil stretched out. When he spotted Jungkook, he sat up straight immediately and pulled himself closer to the bunny. He nuzzled closer to his neck and smelled. Jimin was in trance, he couldn't hear Namjoon who was talking to him, he just kept staring. He felt a pang of jealousy when he saw that Taehyung actually started kissing Jungkook's neck.
Taehyung could only kiss him! He kissed his forehead all the time and Jimin gave him small neck kisses.

'Hyung, please go.', Jungkook said. 'It's embarrassing.'
Jimin looked at them for a few seconds more, and then walked away with Namjoon who said "we're going to get a coffee".

When the door got shut, Taehyung pushed Jungkook onto his back and hovered over him while holding his hands above his head. Jungkook shivered when Taehyung got closer and sniffed.

'You smell like Minie...', Taehyung breathed out. 'Why do you smell like my Minie?'

'H-he cuddled with me tonight...', Jungkook chocked out as Taehyung nuzzled his neck.
Taehyung growled.

'He is only allowed to cuddle with me.', he growled. 'He's my Minie. Only mine.'
He breathed out a few times, then he looked Jungkook in the eyes. Jungkook's eyes became a bright green color.
'Why isn't he here to help me?', he asked.
His voice dripped with sadness and disappointment.

'Jimin doesn't want anything if it isn't his mate.', Jungkook said. 'He's saving all his firsts for him.'
Taehyung growled again and squeezed Jungkook's wrists tighter. He licked a stripe from his neck to his ear and breathed out.

'I will be his mate.', he growled in Jungkook's ear. 'He will be only mine and no one else's.'


Jimin looked out of the window in the small cafe where he and Namjoon went too. He had a warm mug of tea in front of him and Namjoon had a coffee. They didn't spoke much as they walked to the cafe and hadn't spoke when they were there.

'Why did you wanted to see Taehyung?', Namjoon asked - interrupting the silence.
Jimin looked at Namjoon.

'I wanted to make sure he was okay.', Jimin mumbled.

'Was that it?', Namjoon frowned. Jimin nodded and stared out of the room again. 'Jimin, how do you feel about Taehyung?'

'He's my best friend.', Jimin answered instantly. 'You know that right?'

'Don't you feel more for him?', Namjoon continued.

'No.', Jimin said sternly.

'Jimin...', Namjoon sighed and facepalmed himself. 'Why are you so stubborn? Jimin, please name the feeling you have with your mate.'
Jimin took a gulp of the tea and stared at Namjoon.

'The need of being with them all the time.'

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