「Chapter thirty-three」

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Jimin didn't feel at his best. He felt like his legs were giving out. A weird turn in his stomach, this was not the time for his heat. How could he have his heat anyway? It was barely two weeks ago since he had his last heat. But he didn't have time to worry about it.

He gave Taehyung a kiss on his forehead and pulled him off the bed. He quickly ran toward the door. Jimin had the ground plan printed in his head and knew exactly where to go. He opened the door and peeked around the corners. He sniffed the air, but the only thing he could smell was Taehyung's heat scent filling the air. Taehyung's came up to Jimin's waist, nuzzling into his mating mark.

'Taehyung! Focus!'


Jimin darted through the door and quickly walked over the corridor, his hand clutched into Taehyung's.

'Kit- Taehyung! Where are you going?', Came a panicked voice. Jimin whipped his head around to see the doctor running toward him, eyes firing with rage. Jimin cursed, squeezing Taehyung's hand a little too tight as he started to run. Taehyung stumbles but then quickly caught up to Jimin. They ran through the corridors, the doctor screaming behind them to come back, already calling for backup.
'Come back!'

'Jimin! We have to go faster.', Taehyung panted, trying his best to keep up. 'He will kill me this time, he will kill me.'

'I won't let that happen.', Jimin hissed. He ran even faster, even though his feet felt wobbly. He followed the hallway as quickly as possible, shoving through doors and looking around, his ears twitching at every movement. He could hear footsteps echoing behind them and Taehyung was holding his hand tightly, but they had a decent lead on the doctor - for now. 

'Hurry Jimin - he is fast! Go left here, left!', Taehyung called and Jimin obeyed, hanging a left and putting on a burst of speed. 

'How do we get out, Tae? , I'm lost,' he asked, just following the hallway as fast as his feet would carry him and hoping he would find a way out.

'Through the first corridor now-', Taehyung panted. Jimin made a sharp turn and ran quickly through the hall. 'But- Sorry - it's guarded.', Taehyung finished his sentence. But they were already outside. Jimin's eyes darted around, finding a large and heavy-looking branch on the ground. He let go of Taehyung's hand, grabbed the branch and swung the branch against the guard who was standing at the door - the branch broke. He fell on the ground, groaning as he grabbed his nose. He was about to continue running, but then he noticed that Taehyung had fallen down, his legs weren't able to carry him anymore. Jimin squeaked, shuffling back quickly to pull him up, grabbing his arm forcefully and pulling him up.

'Tae! Baby, come on! Quickly! We have to go! We have to go!' Jimin held Taehyung's arm tightly as he pulled with him along. Taehyung was panting, the heat and the intense situation in which they were was too heavy for his body. He couldn't keep it cool. He leaned on Jimin as they tried to walk further. An angry howl echoed through the corridors as the doctors almost caught up to them. 'Shitshitshit, how are we getting over the fence?', Jimin wondered as they got closer to the fence.

'T-there used to be a way to go underneath it. But I don't know if they found it or not.', Taehyung said, gesturing to the fence line. Jimin went to it, but there was nothing. Taehyung gasped. 'Fuck! Jimin, I'm so sorry.'

'Don't worry.', Jimin said quickly. He turned around to see where the doctor was. He was now running outside. Jimin gulped. They were not getting out. There was no way out. There were doors, but they were all guarded. The doctor would get Taehyung back into the facility, he would kill them! He would-

'Jimin! Tae! This way!' Jimin whipped his head around. Hoseok had thrown a door open. Jimin quickly moved toward the place, Taehyun had finally found some of his strength back and he ran as well. Together they ran toward the door.

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