「Chapter twenty-five」

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'We should paint the walls purple definitely.', Jimin said while skipping happily through their just bought shop. Everything was still gray and there were no decorations yet, but it would come. 'And here the register. And- Oh! We should put pipes with candies on the wall so they can make their own mix!' 

Taehyung shook his head as he walked in. He wrapped his arm around his love and dragged him along to the stairs behind the future register. When they were up the stairs, Taehyung walked looked around. The remove mans already put their furniture on the places they wanted, the walls were painted a natural blue like color. In the rooms connected to this room where two other bedrooms a bathroom and an empty room they could use for whatever they wanted. Jimin sighed and looked around with the widest smile on his face. 

'Jimin, this is-' Taehyung was looking around the other rooms, but paused as he saw Jimin standing in the living room. Since their store was underneath an apartment building they could look out the window down the center of Seoul. The windows covered an entire wall when the sun would fall down, they could see it from their windows if they wanted to. Jimin walked toward the window and looked down at the center. His eyes were watering slightly and he sighed again, but still with his smile. Taehyung walked over to him, wrapped his arms around him and placed his chin on Taehyung's shoulder. He said nothing, just holding him. 

'I'm so happy.', Jimin sighed. 'This is just- woah...' Taehyung chuckled and placed a kiss on Jimin's neck. He turned him around in his hands and placed his hands on Jimin's hips. 

'I am too, baby.', Taehyung smiled. He leaned with his forehead against Jimin's and closed his eyes, enjoying the moment. Jimin did as well.  Taehyung couldn't believe that he was really standing here. With the love of his life, his dream finally coming true. Everything of his past was gone, over. Never to be spoken of again. The only thing that mattered was Jimin.

'Oh god, I am interrupting at the worst moments.', Taehyung and Jimin got broken up and looked around. Mae was standing there with a rectangle shape thing in her hand. She smiled awkwardly. 'Sorry.' 

'How did you know we were here?', Jimin laughed as he walked toward her. 

'I guessed?', Mae shrugged. 'It looked beautiful guys, great choice.' 

'We know.', Taehyung smiled. Jimin paused at the wall behind the couch and looked at a nail that was hammered in the wall which you could clearly see. 

'We have to get that one out.', He told Taehyung so he wouldn't forget.

'Well, actually...', Mae said softly, her ears kinda pressing onto her head and her tail tucking between her legs. 'I have a little surprise for you guys.', she mumbled. 'I- I don't know if you will like it but I thought you guys would so; eh- hey here I am.', She sighed. 'I'm so sorry, My auditions are in a few weeks and I'm already nervous.', she explained. 'But anyhow, I'm probably extremely busy on your guys's anniversary, so I have a little present.', 

'Really? What is it?', Taehyung asked excitedly. Mae released a breath she had been holding and her ears stuck in the air like always. She turned the rectangular thing in her hand, and Taehyung and Jimin's eyes widened. She smiled as she saw their reactions. 

'Can I hang it up?', she asked excitedly. Jimin nodded. She skipped happily over to the couch and hung the enlarged picture - with a lot of struggle because of her height - up. It fitted perfectly on the nail which hung there and she stepped a few steps back to see if it wasn't oblique. 'Yes alright, it's perfect.', she said, turning around at Taehyung and Jimin, who were both looking with wide eyes at the picture. 'Remember when we had a kind of photoshoot this summer? Well, I thought this was really cute and I enlarged it and here- this is it. you like it?' 

'Very much.', Taehyung said. 'Thank you, Mae.' 

'No problem.', She said with a wide smile, bouncing up and down her heels. 'Alright, now I have to go and back to practicing otherwise, Hobi will beat my ass. Bye!' She quickly ran over to the stairs and ran down noisily. Taehyung rolled his eyes and looked at Jimin, who was looking in awe at the picture. 

'you like it right?', Taehyung asked. 

'Love it.' Jimin mumbled. Taehyung walked closer and Jimin turned around. 'I love you.' he suddenly said. Taehyung smiled.

'I love you too.', he said, tugging his love closer. He smiled and leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips. Jimin returned it sweetly. 


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