「chapter one」

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It was raining. The rain drops were falling from the sky and dropping onto the ground, trees and buildings. In the woods was one big building. It was guarded very well, much guards and security cameras, although nobody knew it was there. The windows were small, it weren't even windows. It were narrow splits in the wall, without window or bars, so small was it. Behind one of the splits, laid a boy. A hybrid, to be more specific. He was laying on his bed and he looked to the ground. A small puddle of water was laying next to his bed. He was tracing shapes into the water and singing softly.

'I still wonder, wonder, beautiful story...', he sang quietly. His voice was deep, making the song even more beautifuler as he sang. 'Still wonder wonder best part. I still wander wander next story. I want to make you mine.'
On his hand was a ring, the only thing he was allowed to keep from his life.

The door got opened and he looked up

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The door got opened and he looked up. His chocolate brown eyes looked to the guard standing in the doorway. His aqua blue hair fell in front of his eyes, so long was it. He never got the opportunity to cut it. He has a tall body, but extremely unhealthy.

'It's your turn for the medicines.', the guard said.
Taehyung nodded. He stood up and walked out of the room. His ears were flat against his head and tail wrapped around his waist. His tail was longer now. It could wrap itself at least twice around his waist. Most of the hybrids here could wrap their tail trice around them, but Taehyung was the only hybrid who got proper meals and food. However, that didn't mean he wasn't unhealthy. His skin felt painful and crumblelike. He walked with the guard to the familiar office and the guard pushed him inside.

'Watch out!', a voice hissed to the guard. 'He is very special. My favorite project.'
The guard only rolled his eyes and closed the door.
Taehyung bowed for the doctor in front of him.

'It's nice to see you again, doctor.', he said.
That was a straight up lie, but he had decided long ago that should be nice to the doctor instead of snarling against him. It only got him more scars.

'So polite like always, take a seat, Taehyung.', the doctor pointed to a seat in front of the desk.
Taehyung walked to the chair and sat down. He nodded his head to the side so his hair fell out of his eyes.
'I think we should call the hair dresser for you, sweetie, your hair gets too long. What do you think?', the doctor said, touching Taehyung dull and stiff hair.

'I agree with you, sir.', Taehyung answered.

'Great we think the same way.', the doctor said. 'Remove your shirt please.'
Taehyung didn't followed his orders directly. He always hated it to remove his clothes in front of anyone, especially in front of him.

'Sorry, sir.', he apologized quickly.
He stood up - his tail unwrapped itself from his waist - and pulled his shirt over his head.

'It's fine,'
The doctor walked towards him and started to examine his body. Taehyung's pale face flushed.
'Don't be shy in front of me, Taehyung. I've seen you shirtless before.'
The doctor nodded and writ something down on a notebook.
'You are getting to fat. I don't like it. Your skin starts to look dull. I will make another treatment schedule for you.', the doctor announced. 'You can put on your shirt again.'
Taehyung didn't waste a second to put on his shirt and sit down again.
The doctor walked towards the table with the bottles of different stuff. He took an needle and put the liquid in it. Taehyung's breath increased. He hated needles. The doctor walked towards Taehyung and reached out his hand. Taehyung pulled up his sleeve and gave the doctor his arm.
'You are doing very well, Taehyung.', the doctor praised him.
Taehyung smiled slightly at the doctor as a "thank you". The doctor lifted the needle and pushed it into Taehyung's skin. He clenched his jaw and squeezed his eyes shut. The liquid got injected into his skin and it burned. It made Taehyung feel dizzy and gave him the feeling as if he had to vomit. When the doctor got the needle out of his skin, he let go of his arm, and Taehyung fell of the chair. He leaned against the chair and let his head rest on the seat.
'Very good, Taehyung, you're getting-'
The door got thrown open and several guards walked in.

They started to talk. Taehyung couldn't understand it. It sounded slurry and he couldn't understand a word. His sight was blurry and he couldn't see properly. Then it became silent. Taehyung's world was spinning. Before he could do anything, he fell and everything went black.


Taehyung woke up, and weirdly enough, better then he had ever felt. He felt warm and he laid on something soft. His skin wasn't on fire anymore and the dizziness was gone. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the bright light.

'You're awake!'
Taehyung looked around. Someone in a long white coat walked towards him.

'Who are you?', Taehyung asked.

'I am a doctor.', he said.

'I'm not getting more injections, am I?', Taehyung sighed. 'I just had one! I don't need one for another month.'
The doctor frowned.

'Boy, What are you talking about?', he asked. 'I am a doctor. Doctors help people.'
Now it was Taehyung's turn to raise an eyebrow. Another person walked to him. A policeman.

'Tell me, what did he gave you?', he asked

'He gave me injections every months.', Taehyung said. 'He was trying something, although I never knew what he was trying to achieve. He called me always his "greatest project".'

'Do you have any idea why he called you that?', the policeman asked.

'Because I am the only tiger in the facility.', Taehyung answered. 'I am an Maltese tiger. They're very rare. Why am I here?'
The policeman crossed his arms.

'We found the facility. We have been searching for a few years for it. The doctor was doing illegal projects. We've saved all the hybrid and they're all now going to the usual place of living. You are the youngest I think, boy, how old are you?'

'I am twenty-one.', Taehyung answered. 'Well, If 31 December hasn't passed yet. Which date is it?'

'Nineteenth Of August.', the policeman replied. 'Tell me, for how long have you been in the facility.'

'I lived my entire live in a facility.', Taehyung told the policeman. 'When I was sixteen I got moved to this one.'

'You don't look very good.' the doctor told him. 'Didn't they gave you any food?'

'They did, i think I got the most of them all. That was it though, we weren't allowed to come out of our rooms, unless he needed us..', Taehyung said.

'When you're moving to school-'

'School? Am I going to school? Isn't that only for humans?', Taehyung interrupted him. Then he realized he interrupted a human. 'I am sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted you. Please don't punish me.', he apologized breathlessly.
Out of instinct, Taehyung clamps both of his hands on both sides of his head and squeezed his eyes shut.

'Boy! What are you talking about?', the doctor asked worriedly. 'Why should I punish you?'

'I interrupted human talk.', Taehyung mumbles. 'We weren't allowed to interrupted human talk other we would get beaten by the guards.'

'Lower your hands, nobody will hurt you.', the policeman said. 'So abuse, that will be another thing to put on his criminal record.', he added softly.

'Like I said; you will be going to school. A few years ago hybrids and humans were made equal. Well, as much they could get it equal. So you have a lot of opportunities now.
Taehyung looked with wide eyes to the doctor.

'S-So, I-' Taehyung gulps. 'I will be actually be able to work? And to go to school? And to buy things in shops?'

'You will.'

Taehyung smiled brightly, a smile he hadn't had showed in almost five years.

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