「Chapter two」

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That very next day, Taehyung was driving towards the school. He would be staying there the entire week, since we would get dorms. He had gotten a eat schedule from the doctor and also a work out schedule. If he would follow it, he would be fine in a month or so. Taehyung didn't believed that it would be just one month, but he did hope that it was the case.
The doctor had told Taehyung that he would get his books and uniform there. It was summer vacation, but Taehyung had nowhere else to go. He also knew that a few other hybrids would be staying there. Taehyung is very excited. He was never allowed to go to school. In his previous facility, a few elder hybrids had learned him math and English - he was very good at math, not so at English.

When he arrived, he thanked the driver and walked into the school. After a small talk with the person who was standing in front of the door, he understood that he was waiting for him to show him around.

After a tour through the school, he had to go to a person for his "hybrid" information. When Taehyung walked into the office, he was a young woman waiting. She looked around when she heard the door getting opened.

'Ah! You must be Taehyung.', she said. She stood up and shook his hand. 'I am Kim Jisoo.', she introduced herself. 'Take a seat, I will be explaining you what I will do today.'
Taehyung say down on the seat and looked around. It was a different office to what he was used. It was very nice, instead of white, blank walls, there were colorful walls, posters and papers stuck everywhere.
'So, I will tell you what the government had decided, since you don't know.', Jisoo said. 'Every hybrid must wear a special made bracelet in the color of their ranks. We have four ranks. Pet, domestic, wild and feral. Pet is yellow, domestic is blue, wild is red and feral is green. Since you are a tiger, you will be categorized in or wild or feral, depends on your past "crimes".', Jisoo huffed. 'So Taehyung, I want you to be very honest with me; have you ever attacked someone?'
Taehyung shook his head.
'Did you attack someone in self defense?'

'I ran away most of the time...', Taehyung mumbled.

'Keep doing that. It sounds foolish, but it is much better to run then to get accused for murder or so.', Jisoo said while typing on her laptop. 'You will be in the rank wild. I think your uniform will be horrible with your hair now I think of it...', she mumbled to herself. 'Meh, get used to it. Taehyung, What is your last name?'
That made Taehyung digging into his mind. Jisoo waited patiently, not saying until Taehyung said something.

'I think it was Kim, but I'm not entirely sure...', he mumbled.

'I'll write that down, alright?'
Taehyung nodded.
'Where do your parents live?'
Taehyung swallowed.

'T-they are dead.'
Jisoo's eyes widen and she looked to Taehyung.

'O-oh! I am so sorry. I didn't mean- I feel so bad now. I am very sorry, Taehyung.', she said quickly.

'It doesn't matter.', Taehyung said with a slight smile.

'So, do you have any other family members?', Jisoo asked - voice a bit softer.

'Not that I can remember.', Taehyung answered.

'Then you will be staying in school in the holidays.', Jisoo told him. 'You will be of course allowed to visit friends. If you would like, I can help you to find a job, close to the school area.'

'That would be great, thank you.'

'Alright, then my last question is, what do you want to become?', Jisoo asked. 'What would you like to do after this school?'
Taehyung blinked as he thought. He had never thought about it.
'Do you have any things you like to do?'

'I- I like to sing.', Taehyung said softly. 'I made my a chorus of a song when I was in the facility.'

'Really?', Jisoo asked happily. 'If you finished it, I want to hear it.'

'You'll be the first to hear it.', Taehyung chuckles.
Jisoo smiles and typed down on her laptop.

'So I think it would be alright if I put you in the singer education?'
Taehyung nodded.
'Great! That's is everything.'
She rolled her chair to the other side of her office and rummaged in a drawer. She rolled back by kicking the drawer.
'This is for you.'
She handed Taehyung a bracelet. It was a red leathery strap.
'Every hybrid gets one of these', Jisoo said. 'Only in another colors depending on their rank.'

'Thank you.', Taehyung said.

'No problem.', Jisoo smiles. 'Your room is number sixty five. Your roommate is there too.'

'Thank you.', Taehyung said as he bowed slightly to Jisoo.
With that he turned around and walked out of the office.

It took Taehyung a few minutes to find the room. He knocked on the door. After a few moments of waiting, it got opened.
A tall, tanned male was standing in front of him. He had black, fluffy hair with bangs that fell almost over his eyes. On his head were two leopard like ears. He had brown eyes and full lips. He was very muscular.

'Oh, who are you?', the leopard asked.

'I'm Taehyung.', Taehyung introduced himself. 'I think I am your roommate?'

'Oh! You were coming today?', he asked with wide eyes. 'I haven't really cleaned...'
He scratched the back of his head and Taehyung sees the same red, leather strap around his wrist.

'I don't care.', Taehyung chuckled.

'You sure?', the leopard asked. 'It's really messy, I'm very sorry.'
He stepped aside so Taehyung could walk in. It was indeed very messy.
'I am Namjoon, by the way.', he said as Taehyung walked in.

'Nice to meet you.', Taehyung smiled.
Namjoon eyes were fixed on him. He was shocked by the bruises and scars on his arms and legs.

'Were are you from?', Namjoon asked. 'Are you from a pound?'

'A facility.', Taehyung answered.

'Oh, that's even worse...'
Taehyung chuckled.

'When will the lessons start?', Taehyung asked.

'In September.', Namjoon replied - leaning against the wall. 'I'm sorry that I'm asking this, but how did you got those scars?'

'I lived in an facility.', Taehyung chuckled. 'We would get injections because he was trying to do something with us. So the needles were like this and-'

'Oh, please stop.', Namjoon mumbled. 'Your room is there.' - he pointed to a closed door - 'sorry for asking, but when is your heat coming? Because then I'll get out.'
Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle.

'I don't know, actually.', Taehyung mumbled, thinking hard. 'The injections we got made us got in heat irregular. The omegas there got in heat twice due to that.'

'Twice?!', Namjoon shouted out. His eyes were widened in shock. Taehyung nodded. Namjoon stared at him for a few more seconds.
Taehyung laughed.
'That must have been painful.'

'It probably was.', Taehyung said.

'But why did he wanted to get you into heat so much?', Namjoon asked.

'He tried to mate us.', Taehyung said. 'It never worked though. I never understood why he even tried it. Hybrid can only mate with the same species. But he tried weird combinations.'


'A fox and a bear, for instance.', Taehyung said.
Namjoon stared at Taehyung for a bit, he could practically hear his brain working to figure out the reason.

'Maybe he tried to mix species.', Namjoon suggested after a while. 'How would that be? A mind of a Fox, but the build of a bear.'
Taehyung was now the one who's staring.

'But that is impossible.', he said.

'Maybe the injections made it possible.', Namjoon shrugged.

'Well, then he never succeeded.', Taehyung said. 'Otherwise he would have told me.'

'Why should be tell you that?', Namjoon frowned.

'I was his "greatest project".', Taehyung muttered

'That's horrible, men!'

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