「Chapter twenty-four」

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The next few weeks were tough. Jimin grew silent, extremely silent. He got a few weeks off from work because he could barely do anything now. But every day when Taehyung got back from work, he found Jimin crying in bed. Jimin never had to lose someone this close forever, and it hit him very hard. He was unable to respond, he was crying very much and barely came out of bed. At his funeral, Jimin was silent. When they came home, Jimin was silent. He didn't eat, he just went straight to bed. Taehyung was afraid to leave Jimin here alone when he was at work, so he asked Yoongi to watch him. Since Yoongi graduated and didn't have a job yet, he didn't mind doing so. 

Taehyung came home one day, and the apartment was silent. He walked quickly through his house, only to find Jimin cuddled up with Yoongi. Yoongi was lazily scrolling through his phone and looked up when Taehyung came in.

'Thank god you're back.', he sighed. 'Get over here and free me from this.', Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked to the bed to tug Yoongi up. Jimin whined and reached up to get someone back in his arms. Yoongi pushed Taehyung forward and darted out of the room. 'I will be here tomorrow!', he called as he walked away. Taehyung rolled his eyes. 

He kicked out his shoes and laid down next to Jimin. Jimin instantly snuggled up to his side, pressing his face in his chest. Taehyung smiled slightly as he wrapped his arms around Jimin. Jimin's ears laid flat on his head, his tail around his waist. Taehyung raised his hand and carefully started petting Jimin's ears. A mewl escaped Jimin's lips and he pressed his head into Taehyung's hand. As Taehyung continued petting his head, a purr rumbled in Jimin's throat. 

'How are you feeling?', Taehyung asked softly. 

'I don't know.', Jimin answered. 'Hurts.', 

'Am I?', Taehyung quickly retreated his hand, only for Jimin to grumble and press his hand back on his head. 

'You know what I'm saying.', Jimin mumbled. He played with Taehyung's shirt as Taehyung waited for Jimin to say something else. 'I just want to see him again. And...- You know, eat ice cream with him like when I was young?', Jimin's eyes were round and teary, his fingers stilling. 'Yes, I want to eat ice cream with him like in the past.', he softly whispered. 



'You know that- that it's normal for people to pass away right?'

'I do.' 

'And you know that you can't mourn forever?'

'Yes.', Jimin sighed. He took a deep breath and sniffled. 'God, I must be so annoying. You need to take care of me like I'm a baby, I'm sorry.' Jimin rubbed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Taehyung. 'I must be a burden.'

'You are never a burden for me.', Taehyung said quickly. 'I just- miss you.' 


'Don't be.', Taehyung said quickly, kissing his head. 'I understand how you're feeling.' Jimin stayed silent for a few moments. 

'Your parents?'

'Yes.', Taehyung sighed. Jimin was silent. 'Do you want to sleep?', 

'Sure.', Jimin answered. 

Taehyung grabbed the duvet and threw it over them. 

'Don't you have to eat?', Jimin asked.

'I'm fine, baby, don't worry about it.' Taehyung told him. 'I'm fine.' 

'If you say so.', Jimin mumbled. 'You still love me right?', Jimin asked after a few moments of silence.

'Of course, I love you, why are you asking?', Taehyung asked.

'Hm, Just making sure.', 


The next day Taehyung came home, he was surprised to see Yoongi sitting on the couch. He hung his coat on the coatrack and walked inside. 

'Hey, Yoongi-hyung.', he said. 'Eh- where is Jimin?' 

'He went out for a walk.', Yoongi said shrugging. Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

'And you just let him?', Taehyung asked. Yoongi hummed. 'Gosh! Hyung! What if something happened to him? You should have come with him! This is ridiculous- I need to-' But before he could run outside, the door was already opening and Jimin stepped inside. 

'Oh, you're home.', Jimin said with a smile. His cheeks were flustered by the cold weather and his nose was a little red. But he seemed to be happy. He smiled widely and he kicked his snow-covered boots out. He threw his coat on the coatrack and stood on his toes to kiss Taehyung on the cheek. 'How was work, love?', He asked while walking into the living room. Taehyung frowned, not really understanding the mood switch Jimin had from yesterday to now. Yoongi was looking smug and grabbing his coat.

'I will be off then.', he said, walking outside. Taehyung waved at him, a little confused. He walked into the living room and saw Jimin sitting on the couch on his laptop. Taehyung walked toward him and placed his hands next to Jimin's head and leaned over him. Jimin smiled and looked up. 

'Hi.', he said with a smile. 

'Hi?', Taehyung asked. Jimin giggled and continued looking through his laptop. As Taehyung looked he saw Jimin looking at different shades of different colors. 'So... How are you feeling?'

'Honestly, I feel great.', Jimin answered. 'Now, do you think this would be a better color or this one?' He pointed at two shades of purple, a more pastel one and a darker one.

'I think both look great, for what actually?', Taehyung asked. Jimin chuckled and he looked up at Taehyung. 

'Kiss?', he asked, tapping his lips. Taehyung tilted his head to the side in confusion, but he could never say no to a kiss of Jimin. So he leaned down and kissed him softly. Jimin smiled. The kiss was soft and short, and when Taehyung pulled away, Jimin held up his hand with a pair of keys. 

'What's that for?', Taehyung asked with a frown.

'Well, this one-' Jimin pointed at one key. 'Is for our new apartment. And this one-' he grabbed the other key. 'Is for our shop.' Taehyung looked at the keys for a few moments and then at Jimin. He grinned and closed his laptop and placed it on the table with the keys. 

'Are you serious?', Taehyung asked, a wide smile already spreading on his face. Jimin nodded. Taehyung kept staring at Jimin. 'I love you!', Taehyung quickly jumped on the couch in front of Jimin, cupping his face gently and kissed him again. Jimin was giggling and held Taehyung's wrists softly. 'I love you, I love you, I love you!', Taehyung kept repeating as he kissed every part of Jimin's face. 'We are going to have our own sweetshop! Yes!' Taehyung kicked his fist in the air and then fell backward onto the couch, smiling wide. Jimin giggled and climbed on top of Taehyung.

'Can- can I ask one thing, though?', Jimin asked. Taehyung nodded, his smile still on his face. 'Can we put a picture of my dad on one of the walls? Just so-'

'Of course, we can, love.' Taehyung said instantly. 'We will don't worry about that.' Jimin smiled at him. 

'I love you.', Jimin said while laying on Taehyung's chest. 'I just needed to- I don't know, but thank you, for the last weeks. I will be better.'

'You don't need to be better.', Taehyung said. 'You are always the best. And I love you as well.' 



Real quick, I published another book. 

Please read it? 😅

Love, me. 

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