「Chapter thirty-five」

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'Jimin, I can walk over the street you know.'

'You think I'm leaving you alone after what happened last time? Tsk! Hell no.' Taehyung chuckled as Jimin linked their arms and walked outside. It was Sunday, so the shop was closed today. Jimin wanted to visit his mother since she just had moved - she lived in such a huge house for one person, so she moved to a small house close to Jimin and Taehyung's shop. Taehyung smiled as they walked through the streets, some people greeting them happily. Taehyung looked to Jimin a few times, making sure he was okay.

'Are you sure we don't need to pick up some medicine?', he asked worriedly, pausing in his tracks, making Jimin automatically stop as well. 'You had such a headache this morning.' When they had woken up, Jimin had the worst headache of the decade. Taehyung had made some tea for him with some healing herbs and a few hours after he felt better. But Taehyung couldn't help but be worried. Jimin was his mate after all! Jimin smiled, but just stood on his tippy toes and kissed Taehyung's nose. 

'No thank you.', Jimin said, smiling sweetly. 'Can we eat something light tonight? Something like soup?' 

'Of course!', Taehyung said quickly. 'We can pick it up after we went to your mother.', Jimin smiled, kissed Taehyung on his cheek and then continued walking. Jimin smiled the whole way as they walked, and Taehyung couldn't help but smile as well. 'what are you smiling at?', Taehyung snickered as he looked at Jimin for the umpteenth time. 

'I am really going to get married.', Jimin said, smiling widely. 'Woah, I can't believe it.' 

'Why? Did you thought you weren't going to be with me forever?', Taehyung said in a pouty voice.

'Of course, I didn't think that.', Jimin said quickly. 'But- because we're hybrids, you know. But we can do it this way of course. I didn't even think about it honestly.', Taehyung smiled widely.

'Excuse me?' Taehyung and Jimin paused and turned around. The voice had come from Suho, who was standing a few meters behind them. Taehyung's hands instantly turned to fists. But Jimin took one of his hands in both of his and stroked with his thumb over the back of his head, calming him down a little. 'You are going to get married?!', Suho shouted, looking at Jimin for some reason. 

'Not that it's any of your concerns, but in fact; yes. We are going to get married.', Jimin said, his voice cool. Taehyung's eyes blazed again when he saw Suho's furious expression - but he remained calm. He didn't want to deal with his bullshit at the moment, but he had to remain calm and let Jimin take care of it. 

'Why would you marry a piece of trash like him?!', Suho shouted, walking toward the two and pointing furiously at Taehyung. Taehyung was ready to lash out, but Jimin grabbed his other hand as well as he raised them and stood in front of Taehyung - calm, but clearly angry, noticing his scent got sour. Jimin looked at Suho, who was staring at Taehyung for a few seconds, but then looked at Jimin. 'I could treat you better!', he hissed. 'You don't have to do a thing. I can work, you can do nothing. I am the one that should make you feel like a prince! I am the one with who you should be! He-' he pointed at Taehyung. '-won't ever treat you like you should be! He's trash! Nothing more than a predator! He should be locked away! He should rot in a pound!' His eyes now glared at Jimin, who raised an eyebrow.

'Fortunately, I can make my own decisions.', Jimin said. 'And my decision is staying with Taehyung. Now if you can excuse us; we have places to go.', Jimin took Taehyung's hand and intertwined their fingers, leading him away from Suho. 

'I can't fucking believe him!', Taehyung hissed as they walked away - eyes still blazing. 'I can't fucking believe him! Why is he still bothering us! Why does he keep appearing?! I really- really can kill him right now- ugh!' Jimin stopped walking, tugged Taehyung closer and kissed him softly on the lips. Taehyung deflated in the kiss, sighing softly as if he had needed that. Jimin always knew how to calm him down, how to make him happy or how to make him feel loved. He always felt loved when Jimin was close to him. Jimin pulled back, looking up at Taehyung's eyes, which slowly returned to their usual dark brown. 

'Don't worry, alpha.', Jimin chuckled. 'I won't leave you. And that piece of trash-' he nodded to where Suho had disappeared. '-won't ruin anything for us. Remember, I love you!' Taehyung chuckled, nuzzling his face into Jimin's neck - taking deep breaths of his scent to calm down completely. Jimin giggled softly, holding Taehyung's hands as Taehyung kissed the mark for a moment. 

'Why am I so lucky to have you...', Taehyung mumbled, pulling back and looking with all the love in his eyes to Jimin. Jimin smiled softly. 

'We were just meant to be together.', Jimin giggled, kissing his nose and then tugging him further along the way - continuing to walk to his mother. 


'I am so happy to have you back, Taehyung. You look a little underfed though, is Jimin feeding you well?!'


'Of course, he is, Miss Park.', Taehyung giggled, bowed his head to her. 

'I still think you are a little pale.', she said, looking carefully at his face. 'Jimin, there is some cake in the kitchen, can you please cut it into pieces?', Jimin rolled his eyes but walked to the kitchen nonetheless. His mother wanted to follow, but Taehyung stopped her quickly. 

'Miss Park, I wanted to ask you something.', he said quickly, making her raise his eyebrows and look at him. 'We- ehm... Jimin and I have talked about this, but I still wanted to officially ask Jimin- no wait! I wanted to officially ask you for permission to...- ehm...', 

'Sweatheart, why so nervous?', his mother asked nervously, placing a hand on his shoulder. 'Did something bad happen?'

'No!', Taehyung said quickly. 'Only happy things are happening between us.', Jimin's mother sighed in relief. 

'Then tell me, son. What is it you wanted to ask me?', Taehyung's heart swelled at the word "son" and a wide smile came upon his face. 

'Well...', Taehyung released a deep breath. 'I wanted to ask you for permission... to ask Jimin to marry me.', he finished his sentence quickly, his tail curling behind him and ears pressing back on his head a little, waiting for her reaction. She stared at Taehyung for a few moments. But then her eyes widened and she squealed, hugging Taehyung suddenly. 

'Absolutely!', she said. 'Oh my god, I can't wait for you to be my son-in-law.', Taehyung smiled widely. 'But-' she pulled back, suddenly looking worried. '-I thought hybrids couldn't get married.' 

'We can't.', Taehyung sighed. 'But we are just going to marry each other. It won't be in the documents of the government, but it's a big step for us in our relationship, just... promising to be with each other forever. And the law can't stop us from doing so.', Jimin's mother pressed her hand to his heart. 'And- eh... and we wanted to adopt children. Our own cubs and kittens. Nothing is stopping us from building a family and just loving each other until the end.' She looked so proud, a smile curling up her lips.

'My baby kitten has grown.', she sniffed, wiping upcoming tears away. 'I can't believe this. He's growing so fast. So are you.', Taehyung cocked his head to the side in confusion. 'I still can see you...', she sighed, hands coming up to his ear carefully. 'getting tugged into our house by Jimin, your face strained with tears from the rocks which were thrown at you. Fur split...-' she glanced at the split flesh on Taehyung's ear. '...- my kitten healed your ear, and suddenly you were at our house every week. Now look at you now.', She stepped back, gesturing at Taehyung. 'A grown man, ready to marry the love of his life and build a family.', she sighed. 'I am genuinely happy, Taehyung. I knew... my husband would have been as well.', she finished. 'I am so proud, of both of you.' 


This might be the update for Monday, I just wanna publish because I like this book 🥺

Anyway; Suho has now appeared in two chapters in a row. sUsPicIoUs don't you think? 

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