「Chapter ten」

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Jimin felt empty. He couldn't believe that he actually made Taehyung disappear. He kept clasping his chest where the charm of the necklace always laid, it felt so empty, and still so heavy, although nothing was there. He was wearing his ring again, but it didn't felt right. It felt wrong to not wear the necklace, but wearing the ring anyway. Taehyung should wear his ring. He gave it to him, it was Taehyung's now. Every time he looked to the ring, the tears would jump into his eyes. He had bags under his eyes, due to no sleep.
It was a few weeks now after Taehyung's left. He barley had talked. His grades got lower, and even his dancing started to lack. Hoseok and Seokjin obviously knew what was going on, so they weren't too harsh on him, but all his other teachers were. Giving him an angry talk and shouting things at him.
When his history teacher started to shout at him too, Jimin couldn't hold it in anymore; he just bursted into tears, in the middle of class and interrupting his shouts. Everyone was surprised, because Jimin never cried in classes. Yoongi hugged the younger quickly.

'Sir, can we leave the class please?', Yoongi asked.
The teacher just nodded and gestured to the door. It was the middle of November now, it was getting colder day by day and even the corridors in school were freezing. When they were standing in the bathroom, Jimin let go of Yoongi and walked towards the mirror to fix himself up.
'How do you feel?', Yoongi asked Jimin, closing the door and crossing his arms.

'Like shit.', Jimin admitted, running a hand through his hair. 'Yoongi, I have done something horrible. He's gone.'

'Tell me about it...', Yoongi sighed. 'Isn't it time to do something about it, for god sakes?'
Jimin's tail curled around his waist and his ears pressed onto his head.

'I didn't want him to leave.', Jimin ignored Yoongi's question, telling him what he had been telling for weeks now. 'I didn't mean it. I was just so angry at the moment and I-'

'He was helping you, Jimin.', Yoongi said. 'You think it was rape- and I understand. I understand completely. But you would have died! None of us wanted you to die!' Yoongi scratched the. back of his head. 'I think we were all a little selfish as well when it came to you. We didn't want you to die...' 

'I didn't want to die either.', Jimin said softly. Yoongi sighed. 

'I'm so sorry all of it happened, Jimin.', Yoongi sighed, patting Jimin's head. 'But can I ask you something?' Jimin hummed. 'If, from our group, someone needed to help you. Who would you want to help you the most. Because we would all be jumping up to help you when you began with heat. Everyone wanted to come help you, before you died. But who would you want to help you the most?' Jimin didn't need to think. That made him feel the worse. The fact that Jimin didn't even need to think and he immediately knew who he wanted. Jimin groaned.

'Fuck- I should've talked about it beforehand!' Jimin cursed at himself. 'I should've told you guys what I would be the most comfortable with and then you could've acted that way.'

'Yeah- sure tell yourself that AFTER everything had happened.', Yoongi said with a roll of his eyes. 'Nobody saw this coming, so please don't blame yourself for THAT. We should now think about what to do next.' 

'I want to find him.', Jimin said immediately. 'But I don't know where to start.'

'We'll find him.', Yoongi reassured him. 'Now, fix yourself. You look like shit.'

'Fuck you.',



'Where do we start?', Namjoon asked as they walked into the city, closed to the school.
He was holding Seokjin's hand. Hoseok and Yoongi were holding hands too.

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