「Chapter thirty-nine」

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Today was the day of the court. Jimin arrived there early, fiddling with the sleeves of his suit. Mae and Jungkook would be joining him soon. Jimin felt so nauseous. He barely had eaten breakfast, but still, he felt nauseous. The day before he had an enormous craving for noodles, so he ate a little too much of that. His head was spinning, he just didn't feel right. He leaned against the wall, staring down at the ground and hoping that it would be over in a while. But it didn't. Instead, it got worse. He had the feeling like he had to throw up but shoved that thought to the back of his head - not wanting to throw up again since it was gross and made his throat burn. And it was really not the moment to be sick; he had to focus on Taehyung. He knew his mother was one of the best lawyers in Korea, but he still felt anxious. What if they did verdict Taehyung guilty? Then he would be labeled feral and-

No. He couldn't think like that. Taehyung would get free. His mother was the best, she would save him. Right?

'Jimin, you look like shit.', Jimin looked up and saw Mae and Jungkook approaching. Jungkook shoved her slightly and she was just looking confused at him. 'What? I'm telling the truth.'

'I feel like shit.', Jimin grumbled.

'I wasn't wrong.', she told Jungkook with a smile, who just rolled his eyes. She focused on Jimin again. 'How are you?'

'Nervous, anxious, nauseous.',

'Well, that's not so great...', Jungkook mumbled.

'Hmpf, tell me about it.', Jimin sighed. It was silent for a few seconds.

'Have you seen the daughters of Seokjin and Namjoon?', Mae tried to change the subject. 'They are so adorable!' Jimin smiled slightly.

'I have.', he said. 'They are cute indeed.' He glanced at the younger couple. 'And when are you two going to get a pup?', Jungkook giggled softly, his long rabbit ears twitching a little. But NMaeina seemed a little annoyed.

'We can't.', she sighed. 'I'm an alpha, remember?', Jimin looked confused, however. 'I can't bear pups.', she said with a pout. 'Since I'm an alpha.', She crossed her arms and glanced down at the ground. 'That's the reason why I want to change ranks.'

'You shouldn't.', Jungkook said quickly. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder, pecking her on the cheek. 'I love you as you are. You are my alpha.', Mae rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless. They continued talking, but Jimin didn't realize it. He felt dizzier then before, his head spinning rapidly. His stomach made a few flips and he knew that this wasn't going to stay down. He turned around and dashed for the bathrooms, leaving Mae and Jungkook behind in confusion.

He made it to the toilet in time to spill the content of his stomach into it, clutching the porcelain, tears rolling down his face. He felt so nauseous all the time, he was sick of it. He didn't know the cause and everything that was going on with Taehyung. He was just so stressed, he could cry.

'Jimin?', like the other day, Mae's soft hand rubbed his back softly. He whimpered softly, shaking his head. 'Shh, just take a deep breath.', she told him softly. 'Try to calm down, then you can stand up, alright.' Jimin did as she said, taking a few deep breaths, trying to calm down his stomach and let his head stop spinning. 'Jungkook, can you get a glass of water or something?', he heard Mae ask. Jungkook nodded and walked out of the bathroom. Mae rubbed his back softly. 'Still that nauseous?', she asked softly. Jimin nodded. 'Maybe you've eaten something that made your stomach upset?'

'I think it are the noodles from yesterday.', Jimin grumbled. 'I was craving for those.' Mae hummed, clearly thinking as she stood by Jimin's side. Jungkook came back quickly with a bottle of water. Jimin stood up slowly - trying not to get dizzy by standing up to quickly - and took the bottle of water from Jungkook. Mae was looking at him with a questioning look.

'Jimin...', she said softly. Jimin hummed, frowning at her gaze. 'Are you...- no that sounds rude.', she thought about the right words. 'Your stomach looks a little - don't take this the wrong way - swollen.'

'What?', Jimin asked with a frown, looking down at his stomach. And damn she was right. It wasn't that noticeable, just a little bit, but his stomach was rounder then it had been before. He immediately thought about all the unhealthy food he had been eating for the past weeks. He had to start working out again. But Mae gasped, a wide smile on her face.

'You are pregnant!'


'That isn't possible.' Bot Jungkook and Jimin looked with confused looks at Mae.

'No, no, no.', she said quickly, her smile still on her face. 'It is possible! Jungkook, Jimin is an omega, so it would be obvious that if he mates with Taehyung during their heat-'

'Don't judge me please...', Jimin mumbled. Mae snorted.

'Oh honey, If I did, I would be a hypocrite.', she said, making Jungkook flush a little. 'But it could be possible!'

'It can't, Mae.', Jimin sighed. 'I'm a cat hybrid and Taehyung a tiger. We are different spices.'

'But you got an injection from the doctor as well!', Mae stubbornly continued. 'We don't know what that injection did to you, and maybe it made your fertile to all kinds of hybrids!' she squeaked suddenly. 'Can you imagine? Baby you's and Taehyung's with your ears and tail but with the colors of Taehyung. Oh my god!' Jimin shook his head, however.

'That isn't possible.', he said again. But even Jungkook was now considering the option.

'Hyung, it could be.', Jungkook said. 'But what if it's true, that would be amazing! Male omega's are highly fertile. So if you were pregnant, you could have triplets! Or even quatriplets!' Mae was now squealing, bouncing on her heels and smiling widely.

'Well...', Jimin said after a few seconds of considering.

'That would explain why you felt nauseous.', Mae said quickly. 'It all fits together! We have to tell... Taehyung...', her smile fell quickly, looking a little nervously at Jimin. 'I'm sorry, I'm just so happy for you and excited.' She grabbed Jimin's hand and smiled lightly at him. 'Taehyung will get acquitted. And then you can have a happy family and future. Let's go. We are watching how your mother fixes all of this.'



Guys y'all know this already but meh. Sorry for the short chapter, but I really wanted to update. Can you imagine little Jimin's and Taehyung's? With like little kitten ears but with the grey/blue fur with black stripes from Taehyung? Just 🥺

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