「Chapter forty-four」

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'Thank you for helping.', Jimin said. Mae smiled and jumped off the table she was standing on to look at the fairy lights she and Jimin's mother had put up.

'Always!', Mae said with a bright smile. 'Not that I had anything to do today.'

'Is that sarcastic?',

'No, don't worry.', Mae smiled, patting Jimin's shoulder. 'How are you feeling? You are getting a real belly there.', she joked, nudging him in the side softly. Jimin smiled, feeling his belly carefully.

'I feel better then I've ever been.', Jimin smiled. 'I'm getting married!', he squealed. Mae smiled and hugged Jimin from the side.

'I'm so happy for you!', she smiled. She looked at Jimin for a few seconds.


'Remember the time I didn't like you? And you didn't like me?', she chuckled. 'Ah! Good times, Good times.'

'So you want me to hate you again?', Jimin laughed. 'Tsk, dogs.'

'Cats.', Mae scoffed. They were both giggling after that.

'where is Jungkook, by the way?', Jimin asked after a few seconds. 'I thought he would be here as well.'

'He will be there tonight!', Mae said. 'No, he's staying home because... erm.', she scratched the place of her mating mark, a little awkwardly.

'Did something happen?', Jimin asked. 'Are you guys fighting?'

'No!', Mae said quickly. 'It's just...- When we walked back from the restaurant after the court... we found a kid in an alley, completely abounded and alone and hurt- it was a bunny hybrid as well, just as Jungkook. And it made him think of his past, so we took her home and decided on going to the police the next day, to see if her mother was searching for her, you know?'

'That's so nice of you two.', Jimin said.

'Yeah, but she really is...- erm- something else.', Mae continued. 'I'm just saying- that is it really different for us. Because Jungkook is treating her like his kid really. And we've never even talked about that sort of stuff- well, maybe only that we both wanted kids but that was it. And I just feel a little...- not ignored but less loved. Is that weird to say?', Jimin ears twitched as he listened.

'Why do you feel that way?', Jimin asked.

'Because- well, he's a bunny and she's a bunny. And I'm- not, you know. I'm completely different. And I feel like Jungkook is spending more time with her than with me. And I just- I'm not used to that I think.' she held her arms close as if embarrassed of her feelings. 'I know it's stupid.',

'I'm not saying that it is.', Jimin said quickly. 'I think you should talk with Jungkook about it. You two are mates after all! It's important to talk and to understand, that's the most important in a relationship.' Mae nodded.

'I will talk with him. I hope she wants to come with us tonight.', She added. 'Would you be okay with that?',

'Of course!', Jimin exclaimed. 'Byeol and Loona are coming as well so that'll be fun.', Mae smiled.

'I will tell Jungkook that it's fine.', Mae nodded. 'I have to go now so I can buy a pretty dress for Siyeon. I see you tonight!', Mae grabbed her coat and bag and ran out of the park. Jimin smiled as he looked her rush back home.

'So, Jimin.', he turned around to see his mother walking toward him. 'Do you have your best suit ready for tonight?'

'I do.', Jimin smiled. 'I tried it on yesterday while Taehyung was gone because I was a little scared that it might not fit me anymore...'

'You've barely grown an inch, what made you worry?', his mother asked, looking at him with wide eyes. Jimin rolled his eyes and gestured at his belly. His mother threw her head back and laughed. 'I'm sorry dear, I forgot for a second.', she said, patting his head. 'May I?', Jimin nodded and leaned on her shoulder as she gently stroked his ears, giving him the widest smile. 'I'm so excited.', she said softly - not trying to overwhelm Jimin's heightened senses. 'you're going to marry the man you love, you're pregnant...-', she sighed. 'I wish your father could have been here to see this.', Jimin stayed silent, not sure how to react to that. 'But I'm sure he would have been the proudest, most delighted person to be here if he was.', she continued. 'He loves you so much, Jimin. I'm sure he still does.'

'I don't wanna cry.', Jimin said, pressing his palms into his eyes to refrain himself from crying. That didn't work and a second later he was crying softly.

'My dear-', his mother embraced him tightly and placed several kisses between his ears. 'I'm sorry to bring him up.'

'I still miss him.', Jimin chocked out. 'I just- want him to be by my side.'

'I want that too, dear. I want that too.', she said softly.

'Jimin-ah?', Taehyung arrived at their side quickly - his mark quickly signing him that his mate needed attention and comfort right now. 'Are you okay? What's wrong?', His mother pulled back and Taehyung took Jimin into his arm instantly. 'Can you tell me? Do you want to tell me?'

'I just- I miss-' *hicc* '-miss him, T-Taehyung.'

'W-who? I'm not sure about who we're talking.', Taehyung asked softly.


'... oh...', Taehyung said softly. He pressed several kisses on Jimin's head and forehead. 'It's okay to miss him. I miss my parents too, you know. But it's normal for people to leave your life, even though you don't want them too.' Jimin's mother smiled widely as she looked at the interaction between her future son-in-law and her only child. 'Would you like a hug too?', Taehyung asked when he saw her looking. This caused Jimin to chuckle and smile.

'Well- If I'm allowed?', she smiled. Taehyung let go of Jimin to embrace his mother, making him giggle softly. 'You're such a kind-hearted person.', she smiled, stroking his hair - makings sure that she didn't touch her ears.

'thank you, Miss Park.', Taehyung said when he let her go. 'I'm so thankful that you let me marry your son.'

'With your kindness and charms? How could I deny?', she chuckled. 'You're such a handsome boy.', she added, tapping his chin. Taehyung giggled shyly and hid behind Jimin, causing him to giggle again. 'Well, I have to go now. I will see you two tonight.' Jimin waved at his mother and watched her go. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

'Do you want to talk about it?', Taehyung asked after a few seconds. 'Your dad I mean? I know it's a sensitive topic, but those topics you should talk about so it'll get less.'

'I don't know how to talk about it.', Jimin sighed, burying his face into his hands. 'I just miss him and wish he was here...'

'I understand.', Taehyung said. 'I totally understand.' It was silent between the two. 'You know...', he said after a few seconds. 'We really should get home and get ready for tonight, shouldn't we?' Jimin smiled and nodded. 'Let's go then!'


Small chapter but next chapter is gonna be H U G E.

Well, at least I think.

BY THE WAY; Thank you so much for 50K I'm so thankful and I love you all. Take all my heartu's😔✋❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜❣️💕💞💓💖💘💝💖💜💖💜💖💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💜

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