「Chapter five」

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'Namjoon-hyung, What have I done wrong?', Taehyung asked the elder hybrid.

'You never did anything wrong.', Namjoon said, placing a mug of hot chocolate on the table.
Taehyung's hair is damp from the shower he just took. It's midnight and none of them want to sleep yet. Well, Namjoon comforted Taehyung for an hour first.

'Then why do people hate me?', Taehyung sniffled. 'Is it because I'm from a facility? Because that isn't my fault,'

'No Taehyung.'
Namjoon sat down next to Taehyung and he placed his head immediately on Namjoon's shoulder.
'Some people... they just don't really like hybrids.'

'But Wheein and Moonbyul like you, Why don't they like me?', Taehyung asked.

'Why shouldn't they like you?', Namjoon asked with a frown.

'They were with them.'
Namjoon growled.

'I'll talk to them.', he said. 'They are really nice, I promise.'
Taehyung didn't said anything.
'I will protect you.', Namjoon said, wrapping his arms around the younger. 'I promise.'

'Thank you, hyung.'

'No problem, Taehyung. Drink up your hot chocolate. You need to sleep.'


Jimin laid awake, staring up to the ceiling and listening to Jungkook's heartbeat. He was laying in his chest, the bunny clinging onto him as he slept. He couldn't stop thinking about the wild-hybrid.
His scent was so familiar, like he smelled it before. But Jimin knew almost the entire school and he had never seen a hybrid with blue hair before.
He had, however, seen a hybrid with blue hair in his life. Jimin sighed and grabbed the necklace in his hand.
He missed him.


'I've had my heat this summer.', Jungkook told Jimin and Yoongi. 'I am a beta.'

'But you're way younger then me.', Jimin exclaimed. 'How can you have your first heat when you're twenty and I'm getting it, while I'm almost twenty-two?!'

'It's because you're different species.' Yoongi told Jimin. 'I got it when I was your age too.'

'But that's unfair!', Jimin said.

'I have already mated before though.', Jungkook said. 'Well, not exactly "mated". In our pound I'm the only bunny hybrid, and if other hybrids get into heat for the first time, I have to help them.'

'That sounds horrible!', Jimin said - shocked and not paying attention to where he's walking.

'They don't really care about it.', Jungkook shrugged. 'They always treated me like trash anyway.'

'Once you find your mate that will change,' Yoongi reassured him. 'He or she will love you, I promise.'
Jungkook smiled.

'I want to find my mate too!', Jimin complained. 'So many people already have theirs and I-'
He was swinging with his hands full of book, causing him to bump into someone and drop all their the books. Jimin's cheeks flushed.
'I'm so sorry!'
He crouched down and quickly grabbed his books. The other person also crouched down and stared to take his books.
Jimin smelled a familiar scent, spotted a ring onto his ring finger. It was a silver one with a emerald.
Jimin froze. He looked up and saw a blue hair hybrid collecting his books. It was the same hybrid as before, but could it be that...

Taehyung looked up. He looked at Jimin for a few seconds as Jimin just stared with parted lips towards him.
'Do I know you?', he asked.
Jimin didn't take his eyes of him as he took the necklace from underneath his uniform and showed it to Taehyung. His eyes fell on the necklace, and his eyes widened.

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