「Chapter seven」

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'I'm sorry, kookie.'
Taehyung stared at the hickeys he made on Jungkook's neck. He didn't felt hot anymore, all thanks to Jungkook. He also felt really bad for just using the poor bunny

'I'm used to it.', Jungkook said with a shrug while he put on his shirt.

'You shouldn't be.'

'But I am.'
Taehyung sighed.
Jungkook sat down on Taehyung's bed.
'I know this will probably sound embarrassing for you, but do you still remember what you said before... you know?'
Taehyung stared at Jungkook. He shook his head.
'I said that Jimin wants to has all his firsts with his mate.', Jungkook said. 'And you just said that you will be his mate. And you kept telling me that I smelled like Jimin-hyung and-'
Taehyung groaned and fell backwards back into the pillows.

'I hate myself.'


'He can't be my mate!'

'Well, if he is you can't fight it.'
Taehyung didn't respond, he looked at the ceiling above him and thought.
Jungkook laid down next to Taehyung.
'Jimin needs some time to accept things,', he tells the elder. 'And it can take a while, really; but eventually he will know that you are his mate.'

'How do you know that we are?'

'Have you seen how you acted the last few weeks,', Jungkook asked. 'You growl at people when they get to close, you always want to hold Jimin in your arms and you give him forehead kisses all the time. You basically act like mates, I bet some strangers think you two are.'
Taehyung blinked and looked up the the ceiling.
Jungkook sighed and stood up. He walked towards the door and opened it. He paused in the doorway.
'Taehyung, give me one reason why you don't want to be Jimin's mate, and I leave it.'
Taehyung stayed silent.

'Because I know he won't accept me as his mate.'
Jungkook sighed, but said nothing and walked out.

In the hallway he met Jimin and Namjoon.

'Jungkook-ah! How is Taehyung?', Jimin asked instantly.

'Crazy in his head.', Jungkook mumbled as he walked back to his dorm.

'Can I see him?', Jimin asked.

'That's your own choice.', Namjoon said.

'I want to!', Jimin said immediately. 'I need to know if he's okay.'
Namjoon gestured to the door, and Jimin walked in instantly. He quickly walked to Taehyung's door and knocked.
'Taehyung?', he asked. 'How are you?'

'I'm fine Jimin.', he said, voice soft and sounding not as happy as usual. 'You can go now.'

'But I want to see you.'
Taehyung could almost hear the elder pout.

'I think it will be better if you didn't.', Taehyung sighed. 'I'll see you tomorrow, Alright?'
Jimin looked at the door.
He was quite offended, had he done something? Why did Taehyung not want to see him anymore?
'Please, Jiminie.'
Jimin sighed

'Fine.' He said.
He turned around and walked away, not saying a word to Namjoon.
Namjoon walked to Taehyung door and knocked.

'How screwed are you?'

'Fuck off.'


The next day, it was Monday again. Taehyung and Namjoon were already at a fable, when Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook arrived.
Jimin sat down next to Taehyung and hugged him, like they did every lunch. But this time, Taehyung pushed him away.

'Not today, Jimin.', he said.
Jimin let his arms flop down his side and stared at Taehyung.

'What? Have I done something wrong?', Jimin asked.

'No,', Taehyung said. 'But people are gonna think we are mates.'
At first, Jimin wants to say "so?", but he stopped himself from doing so.

'Yeah, I guess you're right.', Jimin mumbled.
He leaned with his elbow on table and let his chin rest into his hand. It was silent between the two as they both listened to the conversations between Namjoon and Yoongi. Jungkook was listening intensely.

'Hello Namjoon!'
Namjoon looked up.

He stood up and embraced the girl who just arrived. Jungkook looked at her, and his world seemed to slow down.
The girl - apparently Mae - had long, wavy blonde hair, bright blue eyes and freckles under her nose and eyes. She was very small next to Namjoon and probably also next to Jungkook. She was wearing round glasses and on her head, she had two sandy brown ears.
She was smiling brightly as Namjoon hugged her. Jungkook was just staring with wide eyes at her.
'Guys, this is Mae.', he said to the others. 'She is Seokjin's puppy.'
Mae smiled brightly. Everyone said hi, Jungkook wasn't able to say anything.
'It's her first year here.'

'Really, how old are you then?', Yoongi asked.

'I'm seventeen.' She replied.
Yoongi nodded.

'Well, welcome to our table.', Yoongi said dramatically. 'The best table you'll ever find with the funniest people around it.' Mae just smiled and sat down next to Jungkook.

'Hi.', she said to him.
Jungkook smiled foolishly. He just noticed that she was wearing a Bordeaux red collar.
'Woah, did you had a rough night?', she then chuckled.

'What?', Jungkook asked with a frown 'why?'

'Uhm... y-your neck is littered with hickeys.', she mumbled, gesturing at his neck.
Everyone laughed as Jungkook slapped his hand on his neck and went scarlet.
'I guess you found your mate already?', she half asked, half said as a statement.

'N-no!', Jungkook stuttered. 'I-I-... I can't really explain.'

'You don't owe me any explanations so why give me one?', Mae giggled.
Jungkook blinked a few times.
'You're a bunny right?', Nina asked after a few moments. Jungkook nodded. 'Do you like carrots?', Jungkook nodded again. 'You want one?'
She magically summoned a carrot and showed it to Jungkook. Jungkook smiled and nodded for the third time. Mae smiled and gave him the carrot.
'I don't like them.'

Taehyung turned to the elder.
'Aren't you scared for your heat?',

'Why should I be?', Jimin frowned.

'Because you need to mate someone, otherwise you'll die.', Taehyung said. 'You know that I hope?'

'I'll just go on suppressors.', Jimin shrugged.

'You can't go in suppressors for your first heat.', Taehyung said immediately. 'That's just as dangerous as not mating in heat.'

'Taehyung, I won't have sex with anyone, until I find my mate.', Jimin said. 'It's disgusting! You're forced to have sex with someone!' Taehyung frowned, glancing at his friend. This was nonsense. Taehyung was used to these things. If you go into your first heat, you need someone to mate with. Otherwise you'll die. Taehyung didn't know how this all worked, but he knew it had something to do with too much pheromones that couldn't be released and something with the heat... The pheromones and heat would be relieved once you had a mate to share the heat with. After the first heat, it would be less bad. Still bad, but not as bad that you could die from it.

'Jimin, it's part of our lives.', Taehyung said. 'We can't do anything about it!'
He noticed that Jimin used more "human" like terms then hybrid terms. It maybe was because he was raised by two humans and didn't had any hybrids in his life until Taehyung came along.
'I don't want you to die!', Taehyung exclaimed. 'You just-'

'Taehyung listen,', Jimin said sharply. 'I won't have sex with anyone until I find my mate. And when I get my heat, I know that I find them already. That's my final decision.'
Taehyung stared at Jimin as he turned around and started to talk with Mae.

'You are stupid.', he spat at Jimin. 'You will die if you don't mate someone in heat.' Taehyung was scared. What if- what if Jimin hadn't found his mate yet before his first heat hit?! Then what? Would he still refuse to mate even then?! 


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