「Chapter eight」

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Jimin hadn't talked much to Taehyung after their talk about mates and heats. They still sat with each other and looked at each other, but they hadn't talked much. Jimin had however, started to feel dizzier and felt sicker. He had stayed in his dorm several times that month, but his friends had surprised him on his birthday greatly. Even Hoseok and Seokjin came, Jungkook had begged Yoongi and Taehyung to invite Mae too, so they did - just to shut the younger up. Jimin of course had kept all his presents, but he gave Taehyung's present a special place. Taehyung had given him a beautiful crystal stone. Since Taehyung has no job and no money yet, he had given Jimin a crystal stone, he had found it, cleaned and made it even prettier himself. Taehyung kept apologizing that it wasn't the best present and that he really wanted to give Jimin better but he couldn't, but Jimin was happy with it. He had placed it on his nightstand, and that was the first time Taehyung and Jimin had a great talk again.

On the Friday of the first week of November, Jimin felt sick again. But the worse type of sick. He felt like his skin was on fire, his head felt like breaking and his stomach was twisting. He felt like he had to vomit, but he knew better then it was just a sickness.

It was his heat. Shit, shit, shit!

He looked at the clock on his nightstand, it was two am. He didn't wanted to wake Yoongi or Jungkook, they would both worry about him and maybe even help with his heat.
He could not have that.
He would not have sex with anyone, anyone, until he found his mate. He clenched his teeth and squirmed around in his bed.
Still two am.
He could survive that, sure.

Three am.
Well, not very pleasant, but he was sure he could still survive it.

Four am.
Oh please, let this be over.

At six am, he was almost screaming of pain.
His shirt was drenched in sweat and so were his sheets. He was squirming around and clenching his jaw together not to scream out. It was getting worse and worse every minute.

Two hour later, Yoongi knocked on his door.

'Jimin, are you awake already?', he asked.
Jimin hummed, biting on his lips not to shout.
Yoongi opened the door and walked in. Since it was his first heat, his scent was slower with creating itself, so Yoongi didn't notice he was in heat
'Are you okay?', Yoongi asked the younger.
He wanted to place his hand on his forehead, but Jimin swatted it away.

'Don't feel very good.', Jimin breathed out. 'Wanna call in sick again.'

'I think your heat is coming up, Jiminie.', Yoongi said. 'You're sick so much the last few weeks.'

Wow, how iconic...

'I'm going for the lessons, you'll be okay?', Yoongi asked. Jimin nodded. 'Alright, see you soon, Jimin-ah.'

Jimin is screwed.


'Is Jimin sick again?', Taehyung asked in disbelief at the second break.
Yoongi nodded.

'I feel like something is off though.', Yoongi said. 'He is never sick, and now so much. I think I'm going to check at him.'
He stood up and walked away.

'He seems a bit complicated.', Mae said.

'He is nice!', Taehyung exclaimed quickly. 'He's just...'

'I know about all his firsts and stuff.', Mae said. 'Kookie told me.'
Taehyung glared at the younger, who flushed and hid his face in Nina's shoulder.
'Like, I understand why he is upset.'
She passed him her cup with carrot.
'But, he is an hybrid. He can't escape his true nature. Maybe it's because he grew up with humans! I don't know actually. I mean- I can understand his reasoning but I don't like understand it. Y'know what I'm saying?' 

'We understand you.', Namjoon laughed. 

'But Jimin doesn't know better.', Taehyung defends Jimin. 'He's raised differently. His whole life he had lived by human rules and human rights. I bet that he had also human friends. So, what can he do?'

'I get that.', Mae said. 'But maybe- maybe Jimin should start looking at himself as a hybrid. And not as a human. And I just want to clear; I don't know if he's doing that. But if he's doing that he should maybe start a little different...? But he seems very nice nonetheless.' She took a bite of her lunch. 'And he's one of the prettiest cat hybrids I've ever seen. Yoongi-hyung too but-' 

She couldn't continue. Yoongi ran towards their table, out of breath, and he slammed his hands on the table.

'Jimin is in heat!', he hissed.
Taehyung's ears perked up and he looked at Yoongi with wide eyes.

'What?', he asked.
Everyone was looking at Yoongi in shock.

'Jimin is in heat.', Yoongi repeated. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck! I should have known! I said it literally this morning that his heat would be close. I have no idea since how late, but I know that he's in so much pain right now.'

'Should I help him?', Jungkook asked, jumping up immediately.

'No!', Mae rushed out to say, pulling Jungkook's arm to sit back down. 

'Why not?', Jungkook asked with a frown. 'I'm used to it anyway.'

'That's the problem!'

'I'll help him.', Taehyung said - staring at Yoongi.

'Come on.', Yoongi demanded, turning around and walking away.
Taehyung sprang up and ran after him.

'Can Jimin even take him?', Jungkook wondered out loud as they were gone.

'What?', both Mae and Namjoon asked the bunny.

'Like... his knot is big.'
Mae couldn't help but burst out into laughter.

'Listen, Taehyung.', Yoongi said as they walked though the corridors. 'Jimin will recalcitrant. You need to do everything you can to mate with him. Because you and I both know, if he doesn't mate now, he will die.'
Taehyung nodded. His lips are pressed together and he was just staring in front of him.
'Please, Taehyung.'
Yoongi stopped in front of their door.
'This sounds weird, but... don't pity Jimin as he starts to scream or cry or so. I know that it's harsh.', he added as Taehyung's eyes widened. 'But that kid is stubborn and stupid!'
Taehyung nodded. His face was white.
'First heat can go on for hours...', he mumbled then. 'So I'll sleep at Hoseok's. I don't know what's Jungkook will do, but we will be gone until tomorrow afternoon. So... good luck I guess?'
Taehyung smiled slightly at watched how Yoongi turned the doorknob.
'Oh, by the way; don't get aroused by Jimin's smell.', he said before letting him in. 'And - I know that you're an alpha - but please, be gentle with him.'
Taehyung rolled his eyes. Yoongi opened the door and Taehyung walked in. Yoongi closed the door directly when he walked in. Taehyung cleared his throat and walked to Jimin's room. He unbuttoned his blouse and threw it on the sofa. He knocked on the door.

'Jimin, can I come in?', he asked.

'Tae-Tae?', he heard Jimin's soft voice say.
Taehyung gulped and walked in. He immediately got a handful of scent into his nostrils. He breathed in sharply and looked in shock around in the room. Jimin's scent made him crazy. His scent was sweeter as normal.
'Tae-Tae, come and give me cuddles.', Jimin said weakly and he made grabby hands towards him.

'Jimin, you-'
He took a shuddered breath and looked at Jimin. His eyes became orange again, with the stretched pupil.
'Your heat.'

'Tae, I want cuddles.', Jimin made again granny hands.
Jimin had no idea how it was for Taehyung to smell his scent. He had no idea how hard it was to control himself.
He shook his thoughts away and looked at Jimin.

'Of course, Minnie.'
He walked towards Jimin and laid next to him on the bed. Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung and purred approvingly as he laid his head onto his chest.

'Ear scratches please.', Jimin said as he placed Taehyung's hands onto his head.
Taehyung smiled and placed a kiss onto his forehead.

'Of course Minnie.'

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