「Chapter twelve」

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'I can't forgive myself.', Jimin ran his hands through his hair, letting his eyelids close.

It was currently breaktime. Namjoon and Taehyung had yet to come, and Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Mae were sitting together around the table. Mae rolled her eyes, while Yoongi and Jungkook were listening to Jimin.

'I screwed it up so badly.' Jimin looked up at his friends, seeing Mae stare at him. He frowned. 'What?' 

'Nothing.', Mae mumbled. 

'I can see that you want to tell me something.' Jimin pointed out. Mae bit her lip, looking away from Jimin. 'So please, spit it out princess.' 


'I don't want to argue.', Mae mumbled. 'I don't like arguments.' 

'Don't look at me like that!'

'I'm just listening to you and thinking about how I could help you!', Mae defended herself. 'What is your problem?!' Jimin grumbled, crossing his arms. 'Listen- I just think. Maybe, the reason why you think so differently than us. Is because you grew up with humans.' Jimin frowned at her. 

'That sounds stupid.',

'It might sound stupid at the beginning but please listen.', Mae said quickly. 'At least- this is what I hear from other humans. Some humans might think that sleeping with another person who isn't your mate is like a sin. Even if you I don't have a mate yet. Like mating is something special that you should safe for your and I-' 

'Shut up.',

'No, Jimin please. It's logical!', Mae continued. 'I'm just trying to explain myself; I think that that's something you should definitely think. After your first heat.Because you will die if you don't mate during the first heat. And you know this! But maybe that thought got a but foggy because you've grown up with more humans than hybrids? So maybe, you should start thinking a bit more about your hybrid side and a little less about your human side.' Mae smiled lightly at Jimin. 'You know what I'm saying...?'

Jimin didn't want to listen to what she was saying. He didn't want to listen to her. The way he was thinking was logical. And a lot of his family understood his reasoning- his parents understood his reasoning. Then why can't they understand his reasoning!?

'I know very well who I am thank you very much~', Jimin spat. 'I know who I am. I know what I'm doing and you're making it seem like it's all my fault. But guess what, missy-' he flicked her forehead. 'It's not. And if you could stop being annoying, and just disappear for the rest of my life, then I would be happy. Because guess what; you're just a stupid, small mutt!',

'Jimin!' This time it wasn't Jungkook who had shouted. Namjoon stared with wide eyes to the seemingly nice cat, which had snapped. Jimin looked at the panther, and back at Mae. She had shrunk in one, staring with wide eyes at Jimin. Those eyes pooled full with tears as she looked at Jimin. 

'I'm sorry.', she whispered. She took her bag and turned around. 'I'll go.' She walked away. She just walked away, without saying another word, without sparing him another glance. Namjoon had run after her instantly. Taehyung looked at wide eyes at Jimin. He grumbled and sat back down again, not realizing that Taehyung was currently staring at him.

'I honestly don't know what you see in that girl, kook.', Jimin said. 'She's so annoying.' It was quiet. He looked at Jungkook. His ears hung down, looking with wide eyes and open mouth at the elder. 'What?'

'Jimin... Have you any idea what you just said to her?', Jungkoook asked in disbelief.

'Yes! I do, any problems with that?', Jimin spat.

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