「Chapter thirty-two」

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Taehyung awoke with pain in his entire body. He was warm, sweating. The fire was licking his veins. Taehyung squeezed his eyes closed and curled himself up in a ball. He wished to be with Jimin, so badly. Not just because of his heat, but because Taehyung loved him. He loved Jimin so much, he loved everything about him. He loved his eyes, he loved his full cheeks, his lips, his everything. But Taehyung wouldn't see him again. Because he was here. The only connection he had left with Jimin was the mark, but the doctor would remove it soon, Taehyung had heard.

The door opened and the doctor peaked inside the room.

'Ah! Great.', he exclaimed. 'You're in heat.' He walked toward Taehyung to trail his finger over the mark. Taehyung growled and tried to bite him, but he couldn't because of the muzzle. The doctor gripped his hair tightly and pulled, almost pulling the hair out of his skull. 'Behave you stupid mutt!', he hissed, before dropping Taehyung's head again. He fell on the pillow, but he had no strength to get up again. 'I have the perfect partner for you.', the doctor continued. 'Sadly I couldn't get the serum to remove your mark before, but that doesn't matter for now.' The doctor turned around and walked back to the door. Taehyung looked after him, his wrists still tied together by the metal chain and the muzzle still on his face. If he killed himself, everything could be better.


'Wake up, kitten! I have a special task for you!', Jimin awoke by the doctor's cheerful voice - which seemed a bit too cheerful. Jimin sat up, his hair a little messy, but he was wide awake to smell that the doctor had been close to Taehyung. His scent still lingered on him, and Taehyung was in heat. Jimin stood up and followed the doctor through the hall to another room. Through a small window, Jimin saw Taehyung laying weakly on a bed. Not writhing in pain because of his heat, barely moving at all.

'He's a tiger...', Jimin mumbled - keeping his act up as a small cat hybrid.

'That's right.', the doctor smiled.

'What if he attacks me...'

'That won't happen.', the doctor reassured him. 'But if it does, this door will be open for you to escape through. Now get in, I will go. My tiger likes privacy.' Jimin scrunched his nose up. His tiger? Oh, please. Jimin walked through the door and the doctor closed it behind him. He waited there for a few seconds, to be sure that the doctor was gone. When he was, Jimin sprinted to the bed and cupped Taehyung's face carefully.

'Tae-tae?', he asked softly. His eyes widened when he saw in which state his mate was. He had bruises on his arms, a muzzle in front of his mouth and arms tied together. Taehyung's eyes drifted to Jimin. He didn't realize it was Jimin for a moment, but then his eyes widened.


'What have they done to you?', Jimin whispered in horror. He was already untying Taehyung's wrists, not noticing how Taehyung was looking at him with wide eyes and completely paralyzed. 'We are going to get out of here.', Jimin continued. He threw the chains away - it was easier to untie it when you had two hands available, Taehyung just couldn't - and moved on to the muzzle. 'Hoseok and Yoongi are outside and they will get us out. We just have to-' Then Jimin got thrown on his back. The muzzle was falling on the ground and Taehyung smashed their lips together. He held himself up by his hands next to Jimin's head and Jimin's hands first went to his chest to push him away, but he found himself getting lost by Taehyung's lips. He closed his eyes and ran his hands up Taehyung's arms, coming up to cup his cheeks.

'You are really here.', Taehyung said through the kisses. 'I- I thought it was a dream but you are real, you are here.', Taehyung moved from Jimin's lips to his jaw, placing kisses there and slowly moving to his neck.

'Tae...', Jimin gasped as he bit down slightly on his neck and sucked. 'W-we have to get out of here.' Taehyung just growled, moving down Jimin's neck to his mating mark and kissing it softly. A tingling sensation went through both their bodies, feeling warm and pleasant. The mark had been ignored for so long and the bond had started lacking, but they were together now. The bond would heal again and go back to how it had been. Taehyung smiled against Jimin's skin, pulling away and going back to his lips. Jimin gasped as Taehyung pushed his tongue into his mouth, a tiny moan escaping his lips, making Taehyung's ears perk up. Taehyung growled as Jimin returned to kiss just as roughly as he made it, their lips and tongue moving roughly and his hands came to grip his hips tightly.

'I want you.', Taehyung whispered. 'I just- need it, Jimin-ah, please.' There was something tapping at the back of Jimin's mind - he was supposed to do something - something important - but he couldn't focus on it with Taehyung above him like this. His sharp canine teeth suddenly snapped at his bottom lip impatiently and Jimin gasped at the pain. Taehyung's eyes widened and pulled back, backing away from Jimin quickly. Jimin blinked several times, brushing his tongue over his lip and tasting blood. 'Oh no- I didn't mean to.', Taehyung pouted, his eyes still heavily lidded, his mouth red. Jimin sat up, shaking his head as if trying to come to his senses.

'Tae.', Jimin said, looking at him. But Taehyung shook his head, dropping his face in his hands. His tail wrapped around his waist, a comforting thing he used to do and what made Jimin think back to the days they used to run around the high grass in his backyard. 'Baby...', Taehyung peeked through his fingers to Jimin. 'We have to go.', Jimin insisted. 'I know how we need to get out of here. You just really need to follow me and stay focussed, alright?' Taehyung whimpered, shaking his head.

'Everything hurts, I don't think I-'

'You can do it.', Jimin cut him off. 'When were out of here we will be together. Together forever and nobody will ever tear us apart again. Alright?' Taehyung stayed silent for a few seconds.

'I want that...', he whispered.

'Great.', Jimin sighed. 'Come on, I know which way we need to go.' He grasped Taehyung's hand and placed a kiss on the back of it.

They were going home.


OoooOooOH ShIt yAlL

I'm making a story with demon Taehyung now and every time I think of it I'm like 😶😐🥵

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