「chapter fourteen」

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Jungkook was walking through the corridors. His plan was to walk back to his dormitory, but when he smelled a fruity like scent, he stopped. He sniffed the air and walked around a corner. He followed the scent, but it was odd really. There were a lot of scents through the school, but none of them really stood out for Jungkook, until now.
The scent got stronger as he reached the door which led to the dance room. He opened the door and looked around.

There was currently a song playing which made Jungkook smile, just the melody and the mood of the song made him smile. It was obvious that this was one of the rehearsals of a small group. There were nine people dancing on the song. Hoseok was looking quite pleased with the girls from the side. Jungkook forgot the reason why he came here for a moment. When the chorus came up, Jungkook recognized one of the girls. It was Mae. She had a wide smile on her face, cheeks slightly flustered and her hair was a complete mess. Random locks stuck out of her ponytail and some were stuck on her face. It was remarkable that Mae was the only hybrid in the group. She was a very good dancer nonetheless. The best of the group, Jungkook thought. As the song slowly came to an end, Jungkook noticed Mae's energy slowly getting less and less. When the song stopped, Hoseok was the first one applauding for the girls.

'Very good! Very good!', He said enthusiastically. 'This is one of the best rehearsals so far! A few tips; Luna try to work on your expressions, Isa, I would like to see a bit more energy from you. And Mae, can I talk to you real quick?' Mae nodded, grabbing her sweater from the bench and quickly pulling it on while walking to Hoseok. Jungkook's ears perked up, trying to listen to their conversation, which was hard by all the talking and noises which were made.

'Are you feeling okay?', Hoseok asked. 'I noticed that you looked a bit more tired in the last few lessons.'

'I'm fine, Hobi.', Mae smiled. 'I'm not getting much sleep. I keep having headaches and their getting worse. But don't worry, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.'

'Well, I hope you feel better after that.', Hoseok said. 'Now go and shower, you reek.' Mae rolled her eyes and took her bag from the bench. As she walked to the doors, she saw Jungkook standing there. She smiled and walked with a hop in her step toward him.

'Hello Kookie!!', she said with a bright smile. Jungkook smiled. His nostrils got filled with the fruity scent, the reason why he went there in the first place. 'What are you doing here?' Because I smelled a fruity scent. No, that's just stupid to say.

'I heard from Seokjin that you had rehearsal here.', he lied quickly. 'You were pretty good.' Mae smiled and looked to the ground in embarrassment.

'I'm not good.', Mae said. 'But thank you for the compliment.'

'Well, I think were pretty good.', Jungkook said, looking at the pretty girl in front of him. Before he could stop himself, he asked; 'Hey, would you like to go out with me sometimes?', When he realized what he had said, he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. Mae smiled at him. 'Well, if you don't want to then that's fine, but - you know I was wondering, that maybe- eh- you might like it?'
Jungkook mentally gave himself a facepalm.

'I would like to go out with you.',

'Oh, that's what I thought, I mean- wait, what?'
Jungkook looked in disbelief to Mae, who just giggled.

'You're cute when you're nervous.', she said. 'But I said that I would like to go out with you.'
Jungkook looked at her for a few more seconds, then he smiled as well.

'Really? Oh, I didn't think you would, but okay, I like that.', he said softly. 'Then.. eh-'

'Give me your phone, then I put my number in it.', Mae interrupted him. Jungkook quickly nodded and grabbed his phone quickly. He handed it to Mae and watched as she put her number in. 'There you go.', she said when she gave her phone back. 'Now if you don't mind I'm going back to my room.',

'Oh, no, of course.', Jungkook said, quickly stepping out of her way. Mae giggled as he almost stumbled over his own feet.

'Cutie.', she said, tapping his chin and walking away. 'See you later, bunny.'


Then the next evening, it was time for Taehyung's date with Jimin. He lied if he said he wasn't nervous. Wasn't it usual to be nervous for your very first date? Maybe he was just overreacting, yeah, that was probably it. He walked outside, glancing at Namjoon for maybe a compliment...? He didn't know really. Namjoon did turn to him, however.

'You look good, Tae.', he said, and Taehyung was honestly proud of himself by choosing a nice outfit. He was wearing black jeans, a white shirt tucked into his jeans and a denim jacket. His tail was curled around his thigh so it wasn't switching behind him. His ears were still visible though, but he didn't want any beanie or other hats, because it looked kinda stupid he thought.

'I'll be going then.', Taehyung said. 'I see you later, hyung.',

'Good luck.' Namjoon said as Taehyung left the dormitory.

Taehyung walked to Jimin's dorm, planning to pick him up and then walk together to the restaurant where they would eat. When he reached the door, he raised his hand and made his way to knock, but froze last second. He just had an odd feeling. Like something would go wrong like he would do something wrong. It was a feeling he rather not had... He knocked anyhow. He fumbled with his fingers as he waited. The door opened and he looked straight at Jimin.

 The door opened and he looked straight at Jimin

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'Hi, Tae-tae!', Jimin said happily. He closed the door and smiled at Taehyung. Taehyung looked at Jimin with wide eyes. 'Is there something wrong?'

'No, absolutely not!', Taehyung said quickly. 'I- I think you look handsome...' Jimin giggled slightly.

'Well, let's go!'


Okay, so short chapter, Sorry I know. Sorry. Kinda busy with school. By the way.

Would you guys like to know something about me? Because I'm probably a stranger...? Leave comments if you want to know specific things about me. xoxo

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